Have had my engine totally overhauled (no, not hauled over side as some have reccomended!) and my boat is going in the water in 11 days, but how do I use it? any tips hints etc on starting stopping, fuel?
Get some spare plugs,
Mix the oil a bit on the heavy side (40:1),
Turn the seacock off a minute before turning off,
Only use the choke in very cold weather - mainy a touch of throttle and a squeeze of the fuel bulb is good,
Keep a close eye on the gearbox oil for water ingress,
& Get a tiny-tach hour/rev counter.
Where would I get a tiny-tach rev counter from and where would I put it?
I dont have a fuel bulb as I have a fuel tank, so should I use the choke and is the choke one of the unlabelled buttons next to the key unit?
Also I have a green wire and a grey wire left over, what might they be and should they go to the neg bar or ?
this site has the manuals and as far as I can tell the 12 is a 7 with some modifications, so the running instructions shold be the same.
Setting up the carb is the biggest problem, after that it is pretty much maintenance free until something goes wrong.
This web page has all you should need to know, good luck.
I have an old manual, It just doesnt describe the starting or stopping procedures, luckily the Vire 12 has a different carb. to the 7 so isnt such a problem. Also there are no labels on the buttons on the electric pannel, which worries me.
The problem here is I have not seen a Vire in it's original setting, so I haven't got a clue about the instrument panel.
In fact I have never seen an instrument panel for one. The choke is usually disconnected and if it is required one has to adjust it at the carburettor, then again, in this weather/temperature the choke may not be needed at all.
the websites I posted earlier have starting and stopping info in them, but as I say, all the ones I have seen have been modified and the methods for each vary quite a lot.
RE rev counter.
A cheap option is a bicycle speedo.
set the wheel diameter to 1667 mm
set the readout to be in km/h
The speed indicated will be 1/10th of the prop-shaft's rpm, so you're
probably best advised to get a Sigma, as they read up to 200 km/h. And
you'll probably need to extend the wire too.
Works fine on my lister. I stuck the wheel magnet onto the flywheel with 'No more nails'
On my vire 12, the panel has two buttons, the upper for the choke, which is an electric solenoid connection to the side of the carb, the lower button is the 'off' button. there is a conventional key starter.
to start, I normally depress the choke button while turning over the engine untill it fires.
the throttle is in neutral and about half revs. On firing up , release choke button and wind back revs to just over tickover. Works for me.
Use clean fuel each start of season, the carb will find any trace of water in the fuel and stop. check over the side for exhaust cooling water going through the system!