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Get real ! It's the middle of the Pacific Ocean.
Looks like a day sail from the BVI to me.
Get real ! It's the middle of the Pacific Ocean.
What is your submersible filled with ?Both myself and a business in Ocean Technologies have teamed up to create a submersible capable of reaching great depths
Yes, SL, thanks, I was misled by his talk of deepest ocean trenches.... Apologies.
So, that makes it much easier, and warmer, and nearer civilised UK holiday destinations with sandy beaches, and just a little less challenging.
J's latest post includes this gem
"I understand on the outside, it looks as though nothing has happened. However, if you were to be someone of interest in helping out with the project, I'd happily share with you the proposed plans, the equipment we have, the businesses backing this project and the benefits of the challenge."
It is all beginning to smack of extensive smoke and mirrors, of mystical emotive joining together of adventurous souls, of people who have seen the light of co-operative adventures with someone else paying the bills.
In the absence of any hard information, and documented details of what kit the chap has, when it's all going to be ready, who is already supporting him, how much it is going to cost, and most importantly what on earth it is going to achieve, then I remain totally unconvinced that he has any idea of the complexity and technical demands of this project.
Oh yes, "As a running theme, I rarely divulge in specific details until the run up to launch (this gives me more content and more buzz)." It really does make it sound as if he has done this sort of thing for ages. It's all jargon and self-centred verbage, lacking substance and hard framework. Note the use of "me" in the quotation. I can see nothing which convinces me that this is anything but a glorified sunny holiday in the Caribbean.
Oh, let's not forget the turbulent meterology of that area, and the active seismicity. Just to add those to the (absent) risk analysis.
As the popular phrase goes, I'm Out.
What is your submersible filled with ?
Hi Boo2,
Thanks for asking!
The submersible will contain a camera (a GoPro or Yo! camera), a ring of LEDS a pressure sensor connected to an arduino board (which also controls the release of the weight) and an Iridium based GPS for tracking.
Vague details I know but we're still refining them all the time through tests.
I can't believe some of the replies on here. Some attitudes are a shameful portrayal of the very spirit of sailing, adventure, and human progress.
The lad is proposing to send an unmanned budget sub in to a trench. If it fails, it costs a bit of money. What's the big deal? If he succeeds, he could open up the doors to many more amateur, unmanned exploratory projects, and we'd learn more about our oceans.
I don't want to be overly harsh here, but the only word that's really apt for the attitude displayed in the likes of the post I've quoted is... pathetic!
Good luck to you, Josh!
good luck to you josh. hope you get your backing. i suspect your sub is some sort of sphere with a camera and some lights, and chucked over the side on a long wire, yes?
My latest project was given to me by Sir Richard Branson with the challenge to see how far under the Ocean I could explore. I've been working on this since May and have the equipment for the submersible, which is capable of reaching the deepest depths of our Oceans.
Thanks! Yes- you're pretty much bang on there.
Although not on a long wire as a) the pressure can still snap it or b) you can get some mega strong stuff but for a lot of ££££'s. Hence we are using a GPS to retrieve it, which has been tested in water and is designed for marine equipment.
I think this topic is slowly moving towards a different discussion than I originally started so I'd like to thank everyone who has made there contributions to it.
Those who are skeptical, please keep an eye on the progress.
Those who are supportive, thanks for the motivation.
Have your tests shown that you get a good GPS signal under water?
Two of my work colleagues have been building a balloon payload package they intend to launch next spring, with cameras, altimeter, radio systems, etc. Crucial difference is they're just doing it as a hobby, not soliciting donations or trying to claim any noble purpose.
Now, about that submersible: I've got a bit of thick-walled steel pipe and an old heavy-glazed porthole kicking about in the shed
.....suitable nonconductive light oil.
Very light if it is going to float back to the surface.
Ok, maybe you need some external buoyancy. But didn't Trieste use petrol for buoyancy for exactly this kind of reason?
It's a weird, weird world under hundreds of bars of pressure, and you have to examine all assumptions from first principles.
Ok, maybe you need some external buoyancy. But didn't Trieste use petrol for buoyancy for exactly this kind of reason?
It's a weird, weird world under hundreds of bars of pressure, and you have to examine all assumptions from first principles.
I guess it would be easy enough to get a rough idea from first principles: specific gravity of salt water minus specific gravity of oil used would have to be greater than mass of metal structure plus equipment?
What about filling the thing with nitrogen gas to as high an internal pressure as the structure can stand?