New member
I am about to launch Mystico a Robert Clark Mystery after having her re-built, I am a little concerned by the fact that the marina manager has suggested putting me in between two steel motor boats, this would not normaly bother me although I would profur being moored along with other sailing boat. The reason I am concerned is because were they plan to put me a wooden boat was moored two years prior, unfortunatly after some eight weeks the boat started to take in more water than you would expect and so to be prudent the owner had her slipped were he found that all of the galvernised bolts used on her heal pintle which was bronze had been totaly erroded, he then found that all of the bolt used when replacing the floors had be erroded but not to the same degree, this became a topic of debate, with people suggesting that there was a stray earth from one of the motor boats which might have caused the problem?. Could the problem be caused in this way and if so what can be done to prevent it and if when you replace the bolts should you use the same material for example bronze with bronze, iron with iron etc, the reason I ask this is because Mystico's cast iron floors are fastened with bronze fastenings and they looked good even after 65 years. The other thing is when wiring your skin fittings to your anodes would you also wire all of the floors ect in order to maximise protection, I may be getting worried about nothing, but when you have carried out a project such as this the last thing you want is something unfortunate to happan as a result of not asking the right questions.
Many thanks
Many thanks