New member
I am looking for some suggestions in solving a recent anchoring problem. I have a Sadler 26 with a 25lb CQR main anchor,10m chain and 50m anchorplait. Having recently anchored in 5.6m at hw neaps with chain+15m laid I retired to bed having witnessed the tide change to ebb + 1hour. Expected tide was only 2.0m but the current can be strong on ebb in this east coast river and there was a possibility of a blow from nearby weather front.I was awoken 7.5 hours later to find that the yacht had turned in such a way that the anchorplait had wrapped around the bilge keels(emerging amidships) so that the yacht was now being held broadside to the flood tide. Luckily the wind was light and after 2 hours of anchorwatch I managed to pull up the anchorplait (where it emerged under the boat) with the boathook, attach a mooring warp and pull the boat sideways against the weakened flow(still very very hard work) in order to pull some of the plait onboard. I then attached another warp to the plait and run to the bow roller to secure. this completed the boat then laid to the anchor correctly and I untied the plait from the anchor locker and pulled this under the boat to clear. The whole episode took some time to work out and a lot of brute force. It would have been difficult to achieve at night or single handed. Using the engine was not an option as fouling of the prop was a real threat and there was no guarantee that the plait would clear the skeg. This phenomena has happened once before but I waited until the tide turned and managed to free the plait. However I now have my suspicions that a strong opposing wind and strong ebb tide may have conspired to rotate the boat(and wrap around the keel) before the tide ran strong and caused me to drag at 3.30am last september.( it all happened so quickly that I didn't notice if the boat was broadside before it dragged.
So story over, has anybody got some ideas on how to stop the phenomena? I was wondering whether a small anchor chum ie. a bunch of heavy shackles on say a 3m line slid down the anchorplait would keep the plait vertical in the water when not under any load and prevent it wrapping around the keels when the boat is drifting about during light winds/light current or strong opposing winds/medium currents. I am desperate for some advice as my crew(wife) is becoming nervous at spending nights at anchor.
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So story over, has anybody got some ideas on how to stop the phenomena? I was wondering whether a small anchor chum ie. a bunch of heavy shackles on say a 3m line slid down the anchorplait would keep the plait vertical in the water when not under any load and prevent it wrapping around the keels when the boat is drifting about during light winds/light current or strong opposing winds/medium currents. I am desperate for some advice as my crew(wife) is becoming nervous at spending nights at anchor.
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