I’m disapointed they recorded where they dropped them. That will make it too easy for the destroyers of sea bed habitats to avoid them. Far better to have deliberately switched off their GPS and AIS and dropped randomly.Report on R4 this morning.
According to GREENPEACE . The vessel involved has recorded where all the boulders have been dropped using GPS location.
The Lat and Long announced live over the air to the MCA surveillance vessel on station.
If HMG make good on promises to enforce their own restrictions on bottom trawling in the area , they will recover all the obstructions placed on the sea bed.
I’m disapointed they recorded where they dropped them. That will make it too easy for the destroyers of sea bed habitats to avoid them. Far better to have deliberately switched off their GPS and AIS and dropped randomly.
Report on R4 this morning.
According to GREENPEACE . The vessel involved has recorded where all the boulders have been dropped using GPS location.
The Lat and Long announced live over the air to the MCA surveillance vessel on station.
If HMG make good on promises to enforce their own restrictions on bottom trawling in the area , they will recover all the obstructions placed on the sea bed.
But the least polluting material to create seabed habitatsTons of rock are one of the least biodegradable things I can think of.
But the least polluting material to create seabed habitats
Marking them may serve to introduce maritime speed bumps to stem the most egregious offences?
It’s both but its mostly protecting some sea bed from being ploughed, crushed and scoured repeatedlyIt won't be habitat appropriate to that area, which is smooth seabed, not boulders.
However, if they want to create boulder habitat off Brighton, fantastic, go through the proper process to do so. This isn't habitat creation, it's just dumping stuff.
I suspect if there was the slightest intention of picking it up the stuff would have been marked and fitted with cable strong enough to lift it. Recovering without that is going to be a nightmare.
Absolutely. I'd buy them a rock.Good for them
Should be an interesting wording for Notices to Mariners .
It's all relative, I doubt Victorian and Edwardian gaff rigged trawlers had much impact on fish stocks. Then came steam, then diesel, followed by high-tech fishfinders, then huge foreign trawlers dragging industrial size gear over the delicate seabed, and weak regulation, and here we are.Trawling most grotesque form of farming the seas. Should been banned long ago.