An under utilised resourceamongst Mediterranean Cruisers/Livaboards?


Well-known member
1 Dec 2005
Aground in Yorkshire awaiting a very high tide
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I read many - and even answer a few - posts requesting information about harbour facilities/prices, good anchorages, decent/trustworthy repairmen, etc. around the Mediterranean and have just today discovered that a resource we've been using a lot in the Bahamas and US East Coast, plus a bit in the eastern Caribbean, also actually covers the Med too:

I believe the website originally set-up to provide information on the ICW, but rapidly extended to cover the Bahamas and beyond; whilst the available data for European waters is currently very scant, so too as was the eastern Caribbean when we first intr4oduced to Active Captain a couple of years ago and that I notice, is now filling-in nicely.

Have a look, it's not much use to you now, but if you the Cruisers/Livaboards and indeed the Charterer/Flotilla sailors too make the effort to input the information, in only a couple of seasons, it would/could prove very useful to you.

If you do think about giving it a go, could I just offer a couple of tips to stop you irritating the tits of other users - well me anyway - when you post information: An entry about an anchorage/channel depth which reads "there was two feet under my keel" is not much use if you don't also mention how deep your draft is; similarly one that says "it's shallow on the left hand side of the channel" is worse than useless, unless you also indicate in which direction you were going.

I've no involvement with Active Captain, other than being a contributor/user - so just like here really.