Advice sought SeaFire extinguisher


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18 Sep 2006
Royal Victoria Docks, East London
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I'm replacing the orginal dry powder engine bay fire extinguisher with a SeaFire system. There is an automatic and a auto + manual system. Is it worth going for the manual option?

Engine is diesel so should I fit the engine shutdown option which activates the engine stop for 20 seconds rather than just cutting the power.

I will be rigging the indicato light and probably the activation buzzer too.

Any other advice?

Thank Steve.


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24 Aug 2005
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Personally I'd go for the auto + manual because I prefer to have an overide to any auto system , but I've never heard of any fully auto extinguishers failing to operate , and the engine shut down in my view could work out more dangerous than the fire , if you're under way and a fire breaks out when there's other hazards then you don't really want to loose power until you're in a safe position , then you can kill the engine yourself ,,, IMHO of course


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20 Jan 2004
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They will operate, but the purpose of the automatic engine shutoff is stop all of the extinguishant being sucked through the engine. Not a good idea on two counts, firstly, the extinguishant is there to suffocate the fire by replacing oxygen, which fuels the fire, if the engine is still running it sucks large amounts of air, which in this case includes the extinguishant before its done its job.
The second point depends on what the actual extinguishant is, if gas not a major issue, but you don't want to be sucking powder through your valuable engines.
I fitted the fully auto system and it gives me peace of mind, if you are on the flybridge you may not hear an alarm until it is to late.
You pays your money and takes your choice!


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18 Sep 2006
Royal Victoria Docks, East London
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Yes I realised what the engine shut off was for having read the SeaFire manual, just wondered what others have fitted.

The alarm is not so the system can be operated, it goes off when the system automatically operates. The manual operation is in addition to auto so it can be set off if the auto has not gone off or if fire is noticed before the sensor has reach the operating temp. The latter in my small engine comp with a KAD32 in it is unlikely.


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6 Nov 2005
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Changed from Halon last year to Seafire.
Fitted just bottle (oversized as recommended). This complies with insurers requirements.
Have also fitted a 'Fire Port' into engine bay deck around turbo point for both engines and have additional dry powders, with pipe on, mounted at side of fire port.
Not planning on have a fire but if seafire auto dont kill it then consider we'll smell or see it and could at least then discharge down fire port without lifting engine cover.
Comes a point where if you get totally paranoid about all eventualities then you'd end up staying at home just be certain.