Advice Please


Active member
10 Sep 2002
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The boat is coming out this winter and will be winterized. Does this involve an oil change? or should I stll get it serviced as soon as it comes out and what about the outdrive?

If (and it is looking likely) I transport the boat to Spain early next spring should I recommission it in this country prior to shipping or should I leave it winterized and recommission in Spain

Thanks for any assistance you can give

<hr width=100% size=1>Martyn


16 May 2001
Any Pub Lancashire or Wales
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Winterizeing mainly comprises of servicing anyway, so yes, get it done. but also Antifreeze in the sea sorry Windermere water system.

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Well-known member
26 Nov 2002
Royston Vasey
I suspect, being cynical, that winterisation (draining raw water cooling system, adding anti freeze, removing batteries etc.) will be regarded as a separate exercise to a service (changing filters, changing oil, inspecting outdrive, gaiter, impeller etc) by your boatyard, thus necessitating two bills rather than one. Or possibly even three, if they regard an outdrive inspection and service as a separate activity also ;o).

From what I have read on here, I get the impression that it's a good idea to have the service done now so that the engine and gearbox is full of nice, new clean oil over the winter, rather than the degraded and acidic potion that you have brewed up by tearing up and down Windemere all summer. I'd do that (it's what I'll be doing when my boat comes out at the end of the month), and leave it 'til you're in Spain (envy, envy) before re-commissioning. Apart from anything else, I guess it's possible that labour charges may be lower than over here?

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18 Aug 2001
North Lincolnshire
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Have you not thought about the cost effectiveness of selling yours asap here, and then rebuying in Spain next spring.

Of course it would be dependant on when and if, and at what price you could sell yours for, but perhaps worth a try considering all the costs involved in winterisation, storage, transport to the Med, some specialist re-equipping etc.

You could for example 'winter' it at NBS Chesterfield at no cost, and see if it sells before next Spring. If it doesn't, then move it to Spain direct from there.

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Active member
10 Sep 2002
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Yes I had considered that Martyn and actually had a good look at a number of boats whilst over there a couple of weeks ago.

We decided to take our boat on the basis that the shipping costs roughly equal the amount we would pay a broker to sell it and in addition we would have survey costs, re-equipping costs etc on the new boat.

Our boat fits our fairly modest requirements very well and for the size the accomodation is unbeatable. It is still like new (not too much hard use possible on Windermere) and "we know where its been".

Until we can afford something bigger we are going to stick with it, hopefully in the sunshine

<hr width=100% size=1>Martyn