Evening all.
Just about to become the proud but slightly concerned owner of a 6 ton Hillyard; and whilst I'm perfectly happy doing any type of wooden maintenance or repair work, the actual day-to-day running of a boat is a great big unknown. /forums/images/graemlins/blush.gif
I'm hoping I can get a little help or advice on a few things.
Firstly, anyone know of a helpful cruising checklist? A kind of one-a-year, once-a-month and each-time-you-go-out sort of thing. This might save an awful lot of posts asking simple questions!
Is there such a thing as a reasonably priced chandlery, or has this finally been proved to be an oxymoron? Looking for something around the Chichester Harbour area, or reasonably close.
And any recommendations for a good book or two on owning a boat. As I say, fixing the woodwork is easy, but everything from laying up engines down to what type of rope to get for a mooring line is less certain.
I'm in the somewhat curious position that I'm very confident looking after the boat and quite happy sailing in most conditions in open water; however I'm completely ignorant on most aspects of actually owning and cruising a yacht.
Any help, advice or useful links would be fabulous.
Thanks, Jess.
Just about to become the proud but slightly concerned owner of a 6 ton Hillyard; and whilst I'm perfectly happy doing any type of wooden maintenance or repair work, the actual day-to-day running of a boat is a great big unknown. /forums/images/graemlins/blush.gif
I'm hoping I can get a little help or advice on a few things.
Firstly, anyone know of a helpful cruising checklist? A kind of one-a-year, once-a-month and each-time-you-go-out sort of thing. This might save an awful lot of posts asking simple questions!
Is there such a thing as a reasonably priced chandlery, or has this finally been proved to be an oxymoron? Looking for something around the Chichester Harbour area, or reasonably close.
And any recommendations for a good book or two on owning a boat. As I say, fixing the woodwork is easy, but everything from laying up engines down to what type of rope to get for a mooring line is less certain.
I'm in the somewhat curious position that I'm very confident looking after the boat and quite happy sailing in most conditions in open water; however I'm completely ignorant on most aspects of actually owning and cruising a yacht.
Any help, advice or useful links would be fabulous.
Thanks, Jess.