Advice for 75k live aboard


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31 May 2019
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My partner and I are planning to buy a yacht to cruise the med and then sail back to New Zealand.
Looking for make/model suggestions for yachts around 38-45 feet in the 75k(GBP) range.
Will be buying in Europe and not looking for a project, have budgeted for any upgrades but do not want to be doing major work.
Interested in any suggestions as we have limited knowledge of what is available outside of the production marques.



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1 Dec 2005
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Sorry you've not seen much response, probably because the question is just 'too wide' for a definitive answer. With £75k to spend in the Med you could find yourself a whole fleet of 'capable' yachts to choose from but their suitability is a much more personal decision.
I'd suggest that you come at the problem from the other direction: Sit down with your partner and discuss/agree what your ideal boat 'must' have, those items which you'd 'like it' to have and those that you 'absolutely don't want'. With that information there are lots of people here who will be able to suggest European yacht makes/models that fall within your budget and best fill your wish list.


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7 Jun 2001
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This is an ambitious project. How experienced are you at long-distance sailing? Are you certain your partner and you will like it?

If your experience is through mainly through chartering, bear in mind that the type of yacht with which you have become familiar is not perhaps the best for long-distance sailing, though admittedly many have done so. A heavier, more robust design may be preferable, even if it means a smaller boat for your money.

It may be better to buy a yacht that you can cruise and gain experience for a year or two in the Med before deciding to head out, perhaps changing over when you have a clearer idea of what would be most suitable. Rather than spending a lot of time pondering the options, a first step might be to go out to the major yachting venues where you would like to start, Greece or Spain perhaps, to see for yourself the yachts that are currently on the market for your budget.

While I appreciate you don't want to start with a 'project' boat, sailing long-distance inevitably means you have to face major maintenance issues en route, for which you have to become self-reliant.
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Well-known member
10 Sep 2007
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My partner and I are planning to buy a yacht to cruise the med and then sail back to New Zealand.
Looking for make/model suggestions for yachts around 38-45 feet in the 75k(GBP) range.
Will be buying in Europe and not looking for a project, have budgeted for any upgrades but do not want to be doing major work.
Interested in any suggestions as we have limited knowledge of what is available outside of the production marques.


Search on youtube "Finding Avalon". You sound like what this nice couple is doing with their Elan Impression 384. With 75K you could even pick up the larger Elan Impression 434/444. Very capable and strong boats to cross oceans.


New member
31 May 2019
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Thanks for the reply. We deliberately left the post open to try and elicit some options we may have not considered.
Will take your advice and post again with some definite parameters and see what we get.