Admiralty charts - have I got this right?


Well-known member
31 Aug 2011
On the Celtic Fringe
Further to post 8.

No reply from the Hydrographic office but I have spoken to a retailer and they say that in fact the £15 printing is - per printed side.

So the economics for the notional 9 double sheets in my Channel Islands pack would now look like this:

18 printed sheets @ £15 per sheet = £270 Less 75% bulk discount = £67.50 Or a roughly 33% increase on the previous price.
Just use another supplier; NV or Imray.


Well-known member
1 Oct 2002
UK. South West.
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So you will get the 75% discount on all sheets? Not a sliding scale with the first 3 sheets at full price, the next 3 at the next step discount etc?
That would be better if it is confirmed, but wasn’t clear in any of the examples to date

I imagine it is applied in full on the total order in one transaction. I think it hardly matters, few people will be using the service as Imray will supply a full sized chart with harbour plans and information on both sides for 20 quid or a very comprehensive pack for the price of three A2 printouts.

It looks to me as they are losing money on this service and have tacitly decided to bow out.



Well-known member
15 Nov 2010
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Thanks all. A shame really but as several have said electronic charts are now almost the standard. Perhaps I am too traditional in liking my hourly x on an admiralty chart, despite what the electronics said (oh and to be clear, I am no Luddite ... I just like to have both).


Well-known member
2 Aug 2021
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I still think this is sad news. It is absurd to think print charts and EDIT: DIGITAL (silly error) ones are interchangeable. Give me both or swallow the anchor and give me boots and a momentary glimpse of an OS Explorer sheet. Digital plotter or app for where-am-I-right-now, which hazard is that, crikey it's so foggy I can't even see either side of the Swale... print for what-is-out-there, massive area overview at a glance, visualising a bunch of different options, memorising everything that's coming up so I can stop squinting at maps and focus on the outside world for hours. You can't buy a digital display that conveys the sheer amount of information that a big high-quality print does. Even if you could, I bought a boat to look at the sea again, the lonely sea and the sky... not the lcd again, the costly lcd and the battery indicator. I just wish I could share the ability to look at a map and commit it - not to memory - but to mind. Some people seem not to have received a decent portion of that and I don't think that's fair, but I can't fix it.
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Devon Boy

7 Feb 2022
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Thanks all. A shame really but as several have said electronic charts are now almost the standard. Perhaps I am too traditional in liking my hourly x on an admiralty chart, despite what the electronics said (oh and to be clear, I am no Luddite ... I just like to have both).

I certainly wouldn’t say too traditional. People also forget the commercial need to carry appropriate charts in the absence of ECDIS.

I always prefer to have both.


Well-known member
10 Nov 2008
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I still think this is sad news. It is absurd to think print charts and paper ones are interchangeable. Give me both or swallow the anchor and give me boots and a momentary glimpse of an OS Explorer sheet. Digital plotter or app for where-am-I-right-now, which hazard is that, crikey it's so foggy I can't even see either side of the Swale... print for what-is-out-there, massive area overview at a glance, visualising a bunch of different options, memorising everything that's coming up so I can stop squinting at maps and focus on the outside world for hours. You can't buy a digital display that conveys the sheer amount of information, in pure Shannon Limit terms, that a big high-quality print does. Even if you could, I bought a boat to look at the sea again, the lonely sea and the sky... not the lcd again, the costly lcd and the battery indicator. I just wish I could share the ability to look at a map and commit it - not to memory - but to mind. Some people seem not to have received a decent portion of that and I don't think that's fair, but I can't fix it.
Can you please explain to one with a small brain, just what you mean when you say you don't accept that print charts and paper charts are interchangeable? Is that really what you meant to say?


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12 Sep 2001
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But the radioactivity will preclude saiing.
For me, getting the boat away from Faslane and Coulport seems like a good idea - with paper charts, of course.
TBH, if it comes to that, I'd rather be at ground zero than far enough away to survive. With all the medication I need to stay alive, survival would just be a slower, nastier way to go.

Anyway, back to the charts - I see that F4 has the Solent SC Folio for £50 so, if you need 'em, get 'em in now!


Well-known member
27 Jul 2010
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I see that F4 has the Solent SC Folio for £50 so, if you need 'em, get 'em in now!
Most southern chandleries keep these in stock. F4 has most of these folios in stock and can order the others in if needed since they are still very much a current product, some having been released in October 2021. The only change that has actually been announced as taking place is the change to chart updates which will be a very minor inconvenience but will still allow updating the current folios, this being one of the reasons they refreshed some of them.


Well-known member
2 Aug 2021
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Can you please explain to one with a small brain, just what you mean when you say you don't accept that print charts and paper charts are interchangeable? Is that really what you meant to say?

No, it's really not, my stupid error. I was interrupted while editing but it's no excuse. ? Now corrected


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11 Jun 2006
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Just out of interest

If you have a set of old charts, that you kept up to date - why do you need new charts? Has the Solent changed that much.

Depends, I once spent an afternoon carefully making amendments to the dozen or so channel marker buoys for the Nab channel into the Solent and then found that after 6 months they were all moved back to the nearly original places and I couldn't read the chart if I tried to redo it all.

That apart I think the only thing that would really defeat me on updates is where they issue a block or a sandbank has changed shape and depth - Bramble bank has done that over the years.


Well-known member
11 Aug 2004
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Depends, I once spent an afternoon carefully making amendments to the dozen or so channel marker buoys for the Nab channel into the Solent and then found that after 6 months they were all moved back to the nearly original places and I couldn't read the chart if I tried to redo it all.

That apart I think the only thing that would really defeat me on updates is where they issue a block or a sandbank has changed shape and depth - Bramble bank has done that over the years.

Or some bright spark decided to build a breakwater across a rather popular river and harbour.
