You may not have noticed in Canada, but those of us British, that have remained in the UK (unfortunatly ive left for France)have to much money! i think Tony Blair being socalist has given every restident a share of the northsea oil, so as in Kuwait every resident gets £2000 per month from the social security.
When i look at my fellow contrymen/woman comeing to France,im tempted to buy a walm jacket and umbreller and go back, then i would be able to pay 50% over the going rate for a house, eat at resturants serving the worst food but charging far to much(they do that in places like St Tropez so people can be seen to have to much to spend)
And of course they buy on ebay that there name is seen there as a big spender. Im afraid the old saying easy come easy go is true!! when the oil runs out or Tony Blair leaves office all those hand outs will stop and people in Britain may even have to pay taxes!! at the moment Tony Blair has made Britain a tax free Island ive heard?
Trouville, you have made some good posts in past times.
Surely you are being cynical or sarcastic here?
You cannot mean what you say?
O K I have just returned from a ski trip and might have missed something. If so please update me.