A Tax on Plastic Bags? - Yes Please!!!


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7 Sep 2001
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Re: Yes; but where do they come from?

In Holland you get money knocked off for every bag you bring with you. They also sell re-claimed plastic bags, very strong, still using mine after four years. But it is really easy to take your own shopping bags, I always do, as I shop with a bike and rucksack, we can all help, make people buy the supermarket bags, like Lidls' do.

Instead of having to swallow £2000 a year in bags. It looks like it'll cost me £6200 a year. If this was coming out of your pockets would you support it so firmly. No? I didn't think so. The retailer is the one who'll be taxed not the consumer and most likely it won't be passed on. If people had half a brain they would dispose of them properly in the first place. What would you do with over £6000?