A riva, a liso or build my own


New member
18 Nov 2016
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Hi i'm new here and i'm looking for some advice.
Are there any persons who have experience or performance information about this liso barca boat?? stability speed...
I'm not certain what to do build my own boat or buy this liso boat or an old riva. I'm new in the wooden boat stuff and i'm searching for advice.
On google i find several websites selling it but no information except from that eyn seller. The only thing i find is on the brand page http://lisoboats.eu itself.
But as told, i'm new and those figures don't tell me much.
So, is there someone who can tell me more about it? Or can some check that boat info and tell me more.:confused::confused:
Also other ideas about other good boats are very welcome!:D even for a good old riva.

Many thanks in advance, alex

ps i'm putting my question on sevral forums because i look for an answere fast. The liso barca seem to be the numer 1 and i like it.


Well-known member
25 Dec 2007
S.W. France
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If you really are thinking of building a boat similar to a Riva, get over to the wooden boat forum and post there.
It would be big (understatment...) undertaking for someone to attempt, even if experienced.

Just looked at the liso site. I would think deep pockets required. Does look nice though.
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