A long tow home!


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25 Jun 2001
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If anybody is any doubt as to the benefits of SeaStart membership then read on..... It was all planned, reservations made for 5 at Murrays in Cowes for 7.00. Left the Hamble at 17.00 with a view to pre dinner drinks. Arrived in Cowes and was waiting to moor up on the Town Quay when the the engine stalled. Several attempts to restart proved pointless and with the sound of what would appear to be a flat battery(s) I rang SeaStart. Having appraised them of the situation - dinner booked no rush etc, a guy appeared from IOW branch. after hooking up the portable battery pack, we (he) came to the conclusion that this was not just a battery problem. To cut a long story short, the problem seemed to lie with a f*****d starter motor. That's it I thought, Red Funnel ferry back to mainland than all the phaffing around to get back to where the cars are etc. Not a bit of it, I was told that the Hamble rib was on its way with Bob and Murphy (Bob's black lab) and they would tow us back to Hamble. Sure enough, they arrived took us in tow and off we headed back to the Hamble - at a steady 6 knots the tow across and back up to my berth at Eastlands took just over and hour and a half. Result home by 22.15. Boat back on berth and already to have starter motor removed in the morning.
Seastart, you are fantastic. If there is an award for customer service you should win hands down. If any body wants to know if they should join Seastart then the answer is a resounding YES. Nick, thanks for getting it all together. Bob (and
Murphy) thanks for the tow, you were outstanding.

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15 Sep 2002
Poole and Berkshire
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Enjoying a gentle cruise around Studland on Friday evening we had some non-boaties on board. We were taking them up to old Harry with the intention of going round to Swanage and then back to Poole for a late dinner. Most boats had already headed for home but just off the rocks at Old Harry we see three people waving frantically from a sports boat. We motored over to find them moored to a lobster pot, the engined had died and they didn't have a radio.

They asked where we were heading, Swanage says I, were do you need to go? They are based at Poole, no problem we change plans and give them a slow tow back to Poole. No big deal.

Our non-boaties are very impressed, so this is the camararderie of the sea they say. Of course.

When the skipper of the stricken boat comes to see us on our pontoon he says that some time earlier a rib had gone past them and having asked for help the rib guy says sorry not going that way, can you believe it? The light was fading and they were clearly in trouble, how can you leave somebody like that?


PS when the guy came to see us he tried to give me a fistful of notes (looked like at least £100) which I naturally refused. Our kids went berserk, why didn't you take the money Dad, you could have given it to us. Naah.

Perhaps I should have told him to buy a radio with it!

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10 Nov 2002
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Just as a point if you were short of time or tide would you have offered a tow to your home/intended port only?

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16 May 2001
Any Pub Lancashire or Wales
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I think that would be fair enough. The point being that your taking him to safety. But your not his nurse maid.

<hr width=100% size=1> <font color=blue>It's flog a flag day.<font color=red> Today.<font color=blue>



Well-known member
28 Nov 2002
Niton Radio
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A friend of mine bort a second hand boat from Hamble point, a saily boat, he had to call sea start 3 times in his first weekend due to fuel and battery propbs, he knows nothing about his boat yet, he jokes that he carries an empty tool box with Bob's mobile number written on the lid!!!!

they do seem to be gaining a good reputation, I never got round to joining last year and this year I have a twin engine boat so feel more confident about being able to get home. plus I am handy with spanners, have good tool kit and spares on board, should I join?

<hr width=100% size=1>Wanted - Austin Healey 110/6 or 3000 to rebuild, LHD considered.


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25 Jun 2001
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Having the two engines does make a difference as it's unlikley that both would go down at the same time. I've got a good tool kit and carry "essential" spares and can do a fair amount of fixing on the water or at anchor. But take Saturday, I had the family aboard, it looked like a starter motor problem at first - now after taking the starter motor off yesterday it is more terminal - I've got water in the engine. Boat will come out today and its a new engine/forums/images/icons/frown.gif and as finances are low at the moment I suspect that my boating season is over for this year. Anyway back to Seastart, I just find the confidnece of having them around is great. I think you posted the problem of lobster pots around the Solent, well they will come out and cut you loose etc. I just would not be without them. They will come to your berth/mooring, just like home start. They really are the AA of the sea.

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16 May 2001
Bucks & St Raphael SoF
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From reading your post and chatting to a friend at the weekend who called on Sea Start to remove rope from props, plus the other reports on here, I joined last night. In comparison to the other yearly costs for the boat it seems a good investment - one I hope I don't have to call on!

Sorry to hear about the engine. A mate has a new SL t51 and the genny siezed as a result of water backing up the exhaust. The engineer freed it, changed the oil 3 times, fixed a non-return thingy on the exhaust and it ran fine. Hope yours is no more difficult


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25 Feb 2002
Grays, Essex
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I have twin engines also but it was of no help when I ran out of fuel in mid Solent (funny guage, see previous post). Bob and Murphy turned up within 20 minutes, etc etc and towed me into Lymington to refuel.
Best £140 I have ever spent on boating.

ps Murphy also drinks Stella

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Well-known member
28 Nov 2002
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have you got only one fuel tank?

I have two tanks, one runs each engine, completely separate systems, I heard recently of a twin engine boat with only one tank, seems madness to me.

<hr width=100% size=1>Sod the Healey - I think I'll buy an E-Type.


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25 Jun 2001
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Hi Mark - engine well stuffed! I'm now looking at options, but I could end up being "penny wise and pound foolish" The boat's 1989 and while I may get away with a short term solution I'm sure something else will go wrong. I checked out having a Yanmar fitted with a Bravo 3 leg. Well arm and a leg on price and I can't justify that cost >£15k! I already have the LPG conversion so I may go for a complete engine and stern drive package. Still painfull but at least I'll know its all new!

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14 Oct 2001
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Whats wrong with It??

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31 Oct 2001
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Theres an OMC V8 complete for sale on Boatsandoutboards for £850, don't know if its the same block as yours.

Cant see that getting water in the lump will kill it. Unless its got into the cylinders running at speed! Just empty'd the sump of seawater out of mine. Flushed through a couple of times it should be ok as long as you get to it quick and don't let it stand.

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25 Jun 2001
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Oil all emulsified - looks like liquid putty. The trouble is I took the starter motor off - which was a bastard job in itself - so would have to turn it over by hand. Water now been in since Saturday evening. The other problem is that the engine siesed up at the end of last year so frankly I think I was living on borrowed time anyway. Have spoken to several engineers today and they are all of mind that I would only be prolonging the inevitable. I'm just very peed off at the moment. The boat ran fine most of last week and sods law I atke the family out for the first time and ...........
My daughter has had a right old laugh with her mates about. Oh 14 year olds can be so cruel/forums/images/icons/smile.gif

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25 Jun 2001
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See response to Col.
I did'nt see that one, but did pick up on a guy who had 2 Volvo 5.8 EPI's. Problem is he is based in Florida, wants £6k the pair and not prepared to split.Coastal Rides have an AQ211 s/h for £925 complete. May be an option, I've emailed them but no response yet.

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7 Sep 2001
Hambledon Hampshire
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Just like a lot of other people I need a push to do things, So joined last night, been meaning to join for the last year. I have twin outdrives, A good tool kit, and set of spares, and I can handle a spanner, But things like fishing nets and ropes like to attack both props in one go. This I no from experience, and received good service from the Ryde IOW inshore recue team. But there valuable time may have been needed to save lives. Many thanks for the push regards Trevor

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