I am not that knowledgable about the vessel featured but very interesting and good to see a school providing this opportunity for their pupils. I once had the pleasure of going on board one of his former vessels Which had been featured sailing around the coast with a couple of well known celebrities. What I learnt from the new owners was the many issues that these lovely old vessels have and the budget needed to repair what looks to the uneducated eye like a running sailing vessel so immense respect for the owners of JB in keeping it running so well. I did wonder what happened to some of Tom’s other old vessels of the pilot cutter variety -a where r they now series with him invited back on board to talk to all the current owners might be interesting viewing.
Fond memories of a long "boys weekend" to Alderney on the Jolie Brise many years ago. Because of the shape of the stern quarters the prop shaft was well off centre and was connected to the centre line engine by a number of rubber belts---made for "interesting" manoeuvres when going astern. The cooking facilities were an anthracite powered small Aga cooker, Got it working to find that the wind was in the wrong direction and the galley soon filled with smoke..