9.9hp Yamaha 4-stroke trim


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15 Jan 2017
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if you can get at the motor terminals try 12v direct for a moment.
a)If the motor whirs and the engine tilts the fault in in the wiring up hill of that.
b)If the motor whirs and the engine does not move, pump is FUBAR. a) also a could still apply.
c)If motor silent its FUBAR and the pump MAY be ok. a) also a could still apply.

Good luck


Well-known member
11 Mar 2016
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Firstly, check it actually has power trim fitted. Would be a rare (but certainly an available) option to have. Thought I’d mention it, in case we were presuming it did, just because perhaps a remote throttle control had a trim button on it. If she does indeed have trim…if it’s not working up or down…it’s unlikely to be the usual to blame relays and more likely to be a switch or power related issue.
If it’s making a noise and trying to operate and perhaps in the up position, check that the manual locking latch isn’t in place and stopping it moving.
Perhaps you could tell us more detail ? Around what it’s actually doing or not doing.Is it dead altogether or is there clicking or motor running evident


Well-known member
13 Jul 2002
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Check connections to battery.
Check battery
Check for blown fuse
Check for power at motor when control operated
If power at motor but not operating almost certainly the motor is defective. Remove and check.

If no power reaching motor systematically test .