Thank you both, yes taken them both out, vis is ok from both ok not brill as i'm used to an open top and I think its just different. both are great, and thats my problem!
Not a full reply, in hurry, but p65 has a duff transom set up. Both the steps to the bathing platform and the passerelle are on the centre line which means you cant get to the bathing platform with the passerelle extended, which is a bit rubbish for med stern to berthing. Other than that, I quite like the p65. I dont think the 63 hardtop is sunseeker's prettiest boat, in profile. They have got the looks much more right on their later preds imho
Sorry, Don't know the boats, but if you like them both,
Why not wait till the London Boat show and see who offers the best package for signing on the spot, there and then!!!
V65 has cleaner lines? is newer and costs twice as much as a late Pred63. pred 63 HT seen to start at 300k+ and V65 at 700k +?? diffrerent league of boats.
Love the 50 to bits but I have a 20mtr berth, so it seems daft not to fill it! so I think the answer is yes its for sale as soon as I find another, and as I got it down to a final 2 It wont be long before Im doing another delivery run to Soto. If you hear of anyone wants the 50 let me know.
i *nearly* bort a v65, but it's just not really "special" enough. The duff transom qv jfm is a major failing - pasarelle out means that you can't get to the swim pplatform without clambering down - they sacrified everything for the central passarelle. On boat no 1-4 at least there are no cutouts on those rear garage doors either. The prob is that with the passarelle out, the stairs down are masked. Add to this the measly rear swim platform and it is uphill for the v65, which i thort very capable, 40 knots easy peasy, but just not very meddish.
Dinghy-wise, the v65 will probably have more capacity. I think the the predator looks better, and the driving position on the v65 is a bit crap - you have to sit down. The pred is a standup , and with a few hundred grand spare it should be easy to enought to find a good one and have the loot to upgrade the elctronics.
In the fwd cabins, some of the predators have cabionetry right up to the right of the bed almost specail designed to twat you one the head first thing in the morning. I thinik the pred63s were amongst the last where sunseeker let every customer go totally bonkers with fabrics - these days they seem to set the dogs onnem if some daft twat customer want someting idiotic like erm well anyway.