2024 Tide Tables


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16 Dec 2022
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I use the PC 'app' from ** WXTIDE32.COM **
The download points you to:
WXTide32 - Tides and Currents for Win9x/NT

I reformat the data to my likeing and turn it into a .png picture format.

Another useful source is marees-dans-le-monde - Marées dans le Monde
Thank you - that's very interesting. Spent some time reading WXTide FAQs and also 'XTide' which is the programme on which it was based. So they get the 'shape' of the local tidal curve from observations at a given time, then extrapolate a harmonic wave from that (it's much more complicated though).

According to WXTide, before 2001 tidal observations data were generally free and public domain, worldwide; then the UKHO asserted ownership of UK data and demanded a license fee - so today these two (free) programmes only ship US data.

The US seem enlightened about this - from WXTide: "That data was gathered using public (taxpayer) funds so no copyright is or can be attached to NOS or NOA tidal data"