16 knots sailing a MacDuff26


New member
20 Jun 2001
Not far from Uwchmynydd, near Bwlchtocyn, just up
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Only now do I find out from the great Captain Mullet that a MacDuff26 can be sailed at 16 knots. Well how peeved am I about that? After a lot of time and expense to obtain a whizzy boat from Scandinavia, I discover from Inspector Mullet's amazing website that an everyday MacDuff will be just as speedy around the bay.

So why did none of you lot tell me when I was considering my current boat then? Go on then, tell me! Why not? Have you all got something against us from the wet part of the country? There's a used MacDuff26 that's been for sail for ages in the boat park at Pwllheli that I could have easily purchased. Bargain price too. Would have saved traipsing to Sweden to get my current bateau.

I've been looking on Captain Haddock's website for some video of sailing a MacDuff26 at 16 knots, but he doesn't seem to have put any there yet. In the meantime though, here's a quick clip of <A target="_blank" HREF=http://www.xrayted.fsnet.co.uk/flyfly.mpg>sailing some other type of boat at 16 knots</A>.

(Link is a 5 MByte mpeg).

<hr width=100% size=1>My ultimate dream - sailing a MacDuff26 at 16 knots


Well-known member
31 May 2001
'ang on a mo, I'll just take some bearings
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>In the meantime though, here's a quick clip of sailing some other type of boat at 16 knots.<

That's nae boat, man, thar's three boats joined togither. Ra average speed is a mickle o'er 5 wee knotties.

<hr width=100% size=1><A target="_blank" HREF=http://www.writeforweb.com/twister1>Let's Twist Again</A>


New member
27 Sep 2004
Washington, USA
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Looks like a multihull in 12 knot wind. Few white caps. I am guessing 7 to 8 knots.
Of course GPS makes us all knowing. Anayway.

Good Morning Anarchists!

I may address the clan directly now that the SA flag has found its way here. No
it is not the flag I captured. That flag and other material humiliating to so many
big boys with teeter toys will one day find its way to E-bay. Minimum bid
something like 1,000 pounds. Certificate of authenticity and Charity to be decided

Rumors have it that I will be returning to Sailing Anarchy this Friday. I am the
largest contributor. 10,000 views in one day. Truth is I haven't made up my mind.
Rumors also have it that SA is about to be acquired by a company pushing TP52s.
New gag rules inconstant with the sailing way of life are likely to be implemented.
Perhaps they already have been. What is a block by IP Addres? What is boatless
chating about. I am more than normally clueless on this.

At some point only losers will bother with SA. We look down under and to Europe
now for the truth about sailing. RC is into multi-hulls now. Will it take him long to
discover the multi-hullism in the X class boats (isn't the latest news great for the kick arse syndicate?)

The production of Mac26x copy vessels in Australia has been confirmed. They are
true to the hull form of the US produced vessels and are intended to be as close as
possible to the original. I am worried about overall weight.

Will the boat plane under sail in normal wind as the Mac26x does. Will it clock at 17

The Australians are down playing that capability. It is there way down under.
But, perhaps the copy boats are several hundred pounds heavier than the

Or those responsible figure why upset
the dealers of lesser vessels until production is ramped up. Transports
from Sidney to Vancover BC stand ready to accept factory output bound for the
Americas. Yea right, there is no plan for export to the US. On weight:

For every 100 lbs there is 1 less MPH of top end speed. That is the same
compromise you get in a multi-hull, I suspect. Those upgrading - follow
Coutts. A multi-hull really is the only upgrade from a Mac26x in a less
than a 40 footer.

For the MacDuffs (is that a star trek term signifying a useless Captain?),
Here is the wake of a Mac26x under plane by sail power alone. Those who
do not want to see can not see this planing under sail capability as true. The
prior 5 meg video, however, does illustrate why folks think not seeing is correct.

With 5000 hulls and new production at the Australian plant, is there much of a
difference between a Mac26x and a racing one-design? Inquiring minds what to

Can the Mac26x replace J24s? Will it be considered to meet equipment
needs for future Olympics? Even I am not that mad. But this Roger MacGregor,
who knows. Racability just is so much of a factor in decisions on sailing and
large numbers of hulls means racability.

minions - enjoy this bar. We are among friends. Scuttlebutt means water as in
water cooler - a place to chat with co-sailors. Order Practical Boat Owner #440
and Practical Boat Owner #438. This is our substitute for the well of soles.

We await the posts of David Harding. He actually is a thought provoking
writer. Might be correct on a few things as well.

Power to the People! page 72 PBO #438

Notice to YBC.COM - you are going to need a larger server. US sailors look to
you for correct about sailing education. We seak to be competitive outside of
the box of anarchy and US Sailing.

Huzzah Huzzah, we load up for the Far Side of the World.

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