Thought you were sailing single-handed; or has your hair grown rather quickly recently?And other strange physical mods (for a bloke, anyway!)
Go on, rub it in. It is seriously awful here at the moment. Even in the South, which is not what we are used to at all.
Had this disaster happened on home turf, lets say Cornwall was hit after a massive shift in the canaries. People including the locals would make jokes, such as finding which minister jumped off the pier at Newquay etc.
It is a way of coping, it is not belittling the the event in any way. There was no human control, this was nature, we all need a way to cope. Why is it such big problem for people to exercise this quite normal behaviour.
Beautiful photographs with an amusing tag. Stop finding more problems, this board seems to be going nuts lately. /forums/images/graemlins/shocked.gif