Another vote for the Triton2, they are clear, bright and visible in direct sunlight - highly recommended. Some clever presentation of data for Wind and Tide screens.
This is your Ethernet connector, should be able to plug an RJ45 straight in.
If you have B&G instruments or plotter you can set the depth offset via the calibration menu.
I’ve got one of the PCNautic rams paired with a B&G NAC-2 autopilot computer which then talks to my chart plotter - it’s brilliant! Very happy with the performance, it can steer to apparent wind beautifully upwind and seems able to
Cope with quartering seas as well.
According to a dealer I spoke to at th boat show, you can connect a compatible simrad VHF/AIS to it and receive AIS targets - but worth calling Simrad to confirm
I’ve got a Fusion RA70N - fitted perfectly in old car stereo slot, really simple to use and can be controlled by nmea2000 from my B&G plotter. (N model has NMEA2000, so make sure you get that one if you want the connectivity)
I tried them both on friends’ boats and much preferred the B&G - they seem to be designed for sailing and the functionality (laylines, wind data) was head and shoulders above the Raymarine, so I bought a Vulcan plotter and Triton instruments. Impressed so far: it just works!
I found this useful - there is a section on connecting B&G Network instruments midway down the page.
I've been wondering whether to buy one as well - came across this blog post and thought these screenshots were interesting.
B&G have a new wireless wind sensor out which looks good - I've got one on order to replace my wired sensor next season.
IT does use the internal GPS and works well as a standalone chartplotter, but you'll need to add a compass heading to use the sailing features (something like a ZG100 gps/compass would work). The Simrad tillerpilot may supply this if connected, might be worth calling B&G/Navico UK - 01794 518448...