Recent content by weemster

  1. W

    Europe to Caribbean end 2012 Crew wanted

    Hi, Keen sailor, Pommie who now lives in Melbourne with my fiancee. Rugby lover who enjoys a beer and good conversation. RYA DS/CS Qualified, VHF Licence. Would like to get some more mileage under my belt. Cheers David
  2. W

    Looking for Boat/yacht charter providers

    Hi I am currently in the process of emmigrating to Melbourne and am looking into a boat share. PM if this sounds of use to you.
  3. W

    Crew/Crewing, Tobermory

    Sounds ideal......if you ever find yourself on the south coast I'm your man.
  4. W

    Day Skipper

    Thanks for sharing. Great looking clubs.
  5. W

    Day Skipper

    Thanks Alant, Good tip, and I must admit I hadn't thought of that, doing my CS/YM theory stuff at the moment before I do the proper practical but thanks for that idea of crewing on the course whilst not taking part in the actually formalities, I will approach my school as see what they say.
  6. W

    Going, going, gone...

    Great Post.
  7. W

    Day Skipper

    Hi All, New to the forum so a big hello. I am based on the south coast uk and am interested in sailing/crewing opportunities for all different routes and duration. I am RYA day skipper qualified, RYA vhf and first aid certificates held. I run my own business and therefore can be very...