Interest comments on dealer versus independent.
With issues on the older edc range ie 44/300/73/74/75 I am finding customers asking me why the dealers no longer have engineers that know the older engines , it’s a simple answer really that the training course was in the early 2000s , I was in my...
They did it was the stand alone EC system which worked very well for a time then they stopped making the control boxes which was a shame , the only issues they suffered from was when the cables from the box to the engine seared it caused the motors to overload causing a shut down , and the...
It's not the speed control relay that is at fault when it burns out , it is because the clutch overheats the coil causing it to draw extra current , the wiring loom design is terrible , it uses the reset button fuse . If it had its own 7.5 amp fuse as per the kad 44/300 it would blow when it's...
Yes and no , it also controls the forward and reverse gear , has its safe failure modes and fault code analysis all built to be overcome anything both user and component failure safety . Plus for its day it was very compact and it worked with many standard automotive parts .
The ecu was made by NIRA automotive , it was believed the supply problem was due to the fact they had not made a single unit for many years and were not interested in getting supply going again because things had moved on .
The old technology to build the units was so out of date that components...
The 32 doesn’t have the same ecu but it does have a small really that controls the supercharger which has been out of production for the last 6 months.
And yes the last order I made for the 44/300/73/74/75 type ecu is currently out of stock .
Also I have read on other social media platforms...
It depends who is doing the work , if it’s a main dealer that would be a totally different price compared to one of the many independent companies like myself .
A great read and some very different opinions.
Princess a company that I have always admired the range for many reasons , a true British brand admired and sold around the world .
As a UK boater I can only say from humble opinions that they are better built than the other UK brands having owned...