intelligent GPS antenna for PC\'s
Does anyone know if any of the manufacturers have produced an intelligent WAAS GPS antenna that just plugs into a USB socket on a PC and removes the need for a stand alone GPS unit.
Any help much appreciated
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Got clearance to buy out boat in the delivery room and took kids sailing when they were 10 weeks old...that was 7 years ago. They love it (or else). Strapped a car seat into the cockpit so the little tyke didn't go anywhere. As with anything when kids are concerned, it all takes longer so make...
This is a question for those of you who have successfully sold a boat without paying a broker 8% + vat for the privilege.
Firstly, what is the best and most effective way of advertising to attract a buyer?
Secondly, once a buyer is found, what is the best way to complete the transaction so...
Re: 31.7 in a blow?
I sail a 40.7 with my wife and two kids. (5 and 3). It is corking so long as you shorten sail early. We have been all over the place in it in winds ranging from nothing to 40 knots with associated seas (offshore)
It is very fast, very stable and very responsive. FUN FUN FUN!
Has anybody got any advice on the best manufacturer of furlers for flying headsails. I know a number of manufacturers make and sell these at varying costs, so who uses what and how good are they.
Yes I had a fully battened main and a working jib built by them. Both sails were very good indeed. Very good service too!
Best value sails I could find