Recent content by mersey

  1. M

    Sterling charger - uneven output voltages

    Pro Charge D manual : Search for the following text on Page 2 of the manual, "Ensure that all terminals are used." , read on from there about correct regulations and reduced performance if you don't connect them...
  2. M

    Turbo boost hose supplier

    Take the old one to they will be able to make up a new one.
  3. M

    Custom Made Mattresses

    Already got that, and have replaced once already, could easily just get it replaced again, but the lack of durability is the issue here, hence why the sprung mattress peaked my interest. The v-berth foam set, that I've replaced already, is starting to sag in the middle..
  4. M

    Custom Made Mattresses

    Okay cool, I've just 'got it', I was thinking of this: But I see pocket sprung is this, and far more easily modifiable.. Hmmm, might do this, it's for a v-berth..
  5. M

    Custom Made Mattresses

    So what's the modification process, chop off the excess and sew in new side pieces? I've never taken one apart, do you have any youtube or pictures of the process?
  6. M

    Swans at Kingston The Swan Sanctuary is registered with the Royal College of Veterinary Surgeons as Veterinary Premises No. 7002114 – Sally Goulden, B. Vet. Med., Cert. G.P. (SAM), MRCVS IF YOU NEED TO REPORT AN EMERGENCY CALL 01932 240790
  7. M

    Marina trolley, with lights

    :sleeping: Cheap humor preying on stereotypes of Merseysiders and Arabs, yawn.
  8. M

    Non-tidal Thames marinas with floating pontoons?

    Walton Marina has some berths that are floating pontoons, but not all of them are.
  9. M

    River Thames Guide app updated (December 18 again)

    December 18, is in 5 days.
  10. M

    Has anybody use one of these Ais

    The CE marking looks to be granted by Shenzhen Toby Technology. It would appear to be at best described as a China Export marking rather than a legitimately awarded Conformité Européenne one. Doesn't appear to be legal in the UK.
  11. M

    A liquid highway - forthcoming documentary

    Any news on when this is coming out?
  12. M

    Video about the Thames

    Thanks, was worth seeing.
  13. M

    On board battery chargers? Charger, invertor, MPPT all in one.
  14. M

    Molesey Lock Closure

    The EA have just announced that the Molesey Lock closure will be extended to 1 March 2019 from the earlier date of 31 January. Dovetailing with works to the Sunbury Dry Dock is being cited as the reason.