Recent content by max_power

  1. M

    windward sailing

    < I noticed most of the "plastic"fleet ,also Plymouth bound ,were motoring .> I notice from your details that you are a wooden boat builder. Your post is suggesting that ‘plastic’ boatowners tend not sail to windward and that wooden boatowners do. Or have I assumed wrongly? <hr...
  2. M

    Dinghy Capsized with Outboard

    Might be an idea to change the oil too. My current outboard has been dunked twice and still runs ok. On both occasions action was taken within twelve hours though. My tender floated under pontoons that were sitting on mud and the buoyancy was so great it could not be pushed free. The second...
  3. M

    Centrifugal Clutch On Honda Outboard

    I have the twist grip model with the centrifugal clutch. Although I have adjusted the tick over circuit screw on the carb and throttle stop screw, I have never managed to start the engine without the prop turning to some degree. After the engine has warmed up the clutch seems to work ok . I...
  4. M

    Plastic Petrol Cans

    Like many, I use those green petrol cans for the tender outboard and lawnmower. Although I keep them out of the sun, I noticed that this particular can was bloated well out of shape.I gingerly released the cap to allow air to escape. Is this usual and should I take precautions to stop this...
  5. M

    Propellor pitch

    Re: Brunton Autoprop Thanks Charles. It certainly has the potential to be a 'design classic' in sailing along with man made ropes etc. And it's British ! <hr width=100% size=1>
  6. M

    Propellor pitch

    It is interesting that you have increased your prop from 14" to 15". I have been given to understand that the width of prop has a much higher bearing with regard to increased power than pitch. Providing you have the room to swing it with decent tip clearances and enough power. It's a bit like...
  7. M

    I'm no angel ... (Sin bin rqd)

    Fair Enough Kim ! I will say no more ! Just to say that I think you have been very fair to all. Regards, <hr width=100% size=1>
  8. M

    I'm no angel ... (Sin bin rqd)

    Re: What\'s this? My Dear Violetta, 'Genuinely offensive Max Power’ Now who’s calling who names ? It seems that you can forgive a fellow transgressor like Ghostwriter without even knowing what he has done. But of course, he like a number of others who belong to your cosy BYM clan so can do...
  9. M

    Yacht Club nosh

    Re: Sharing a pseudonym with Homer Simpson Violetta Loved it ! It's nice to see you back. No I don't eat like Max Power but would love to do so. p.s. You seem to know Mirelle very well. He keeps asking for finite details about me and my boat. Is this for pecking order classification...
  10. M

    Yacht Club nosh

    Mirelle I do not actually believe you exist. You must be some kind of cyber creation. Either that, or you were recently found frozen in some Empire outpost from the twenties and have managed to thaw yourself out. Please carry on posting though whatever you are. To see your massive ego being...
  11. M

    Yacht Club nosh

    Mr Scott, After reading your post about food I had raised you up a notch to the snob class. Unfortunately, calling me a 'Pillock' has lowered you back down again. You really must be more creative in your insults ! <hr width=100% size=1>
  12. M

    Yacht Club nosh

    I think you are being very unfair Violetta. Your snobbery is only equalled (but normally surpassed) by Mirelle. Are you willing to give up your weekends to cook food for others ? Sailing clubs exist for sailing themes. Restaurants exist for serving food. It is my experience that most clubs...
  13. M

    Watch out, i'm coming over

    The East Coast is being ruined by racing The demise of the right to SAIL ! The Blackwater and Colne are a delight during the week but have been ruined by the racing elite at weekends. Which happens to be the time most us have for sailing. West Mersea have a large boat racing fleet which...
  14. M

    Sartorial Advice, east coast

    Trollop ! I suppose you dress like that to ward off some of those weird aristo owner's eyes. From what I've read, some of em wanted a bit more than just pulling ropes from a paid hand ! <hr width=100% size=1>
  15. M

    Sartorial Advice, east coast

    Re: History And Peter....... There's a nice story about the Medusa Buoy and that one eyed one armed bloke. Can you remind us how it goes ? Many thanks about the Sealand 5 minute info. I have dumped my old buoy ( toofar up) . Sealand's almost my corner shop ! Brilliant ! <hr width=100%...