Recent content by kremmen

  1. K

    Just In Case Anyone Needs to Know

    River Thames conditions website.
  2. K

    Recommendations for pubs near moorings upstream of Oxford

    Thanks. Most comprehensive.
  3. K

    Thames River Conditions 2018

    On top of winter lock closure. ......Just a polite note to boaters that the draw off starts at Richmond Lock 6.50am this Sunday and there will be no water between Richmond and Teddington at low tide so if you're planning to head that way plan your trip carefully. Also clocks go back the same...
  4. K

    Recommendations for pubs near moorings upstream of Oxford

    I am taking a week trip up river next week starting and returning to Benson this weekend and have been given a recommendation of the pub by Rushey and wondered what the hive mind has as additional stops. Ta.
  5. K

    Hambleden lock emergency repairs Tuesday 28th

    Repairs to hydraulic pump scheduled for "several hours" starting at 9am
  6. K

    Family break up at Marsh Lock

    These swans are particularly stupid. When the "upper" river swans and cygnets go through to the lower end they invade the "lower" swans territories and are attacked. Swan rescue, residents and passing boaters have stopped these swans from being drowned several times. During regatta three...
  7. K

    Thames River Conditions 2018

    Having some technical issues. Clifton lock is currently shut.
  8. K

    Why don't people seem to understand what 'Self Service' means on the locks?

    Evaluations are taking place this week. Can you commit to a day a week this summer?
  9. K

    Why don't people seem to understand what 'Self Service' means on the locks?

    I concede the 1st point except that in some locks (eg Marsh when yellow boards are up and back eddy hits tail gates. Hambleden in windy conditions) the tail gates chatter and need the lock full to prevent either damage / wear / dangerous passage for the public. As to the second point:- can fish...
  10. K

    Why don't people seem to understand what 'Self Service' means on the locks?

    I have just double checked and you are right. ( I was only reading the "going downstream" instructions. Apologies for misleading you. Honestly as I went to check I find that the head gates have been left open again and honestly it is difficult enough to get the gates closed normally without...
  11. K

    Why don't people seem to understand what 'Self Service' means on the locks?

    I would disagree. The current instruction on the self service notice says to take the boat out of the lock and close gates. Sluice gates should be left up whether you are going up or downstream. In some lock ( such as Marlow and Culham) it takes an age to lift sluice gates so it is a courtesy...
  12. K

    DEFRA file sharing website.

    No help with the Defra site but is this any use?
  13. K

    Docking win
  14. K

    Prop Strike at Henley Public Moorings. Just to make clear.

    As I walked to the town I noticed that the sign ( which couldn't be read from a boat ) has fallen to pieces. Sp there is no notice at all.