Recent content by jrn

  1. J

    Sealine Transom Shower

    I also have the same problem. What was the cost of the parts? Many thanks
  2. J

    sealine 330 statesman/f33

    We have one with KAD 32's. Plenty of power with these engines and probaby more economical. Space inside is excellent for 33ft.
  3. J

    VAT on Red Diesel

    The latest consultation from HMRC talks about the duty on red increasing to 54p per litre compared with about 7p per litre now. There is no mention of VAT which is now 5% on red diesel. Will it stay at 5% or increase to 17.5%? If it increases to 17.5% this will add another 9p to the price. This...
  4. J

    Simrad Shipmate 8400 repair

    Recently had exactly the same problem with a Shipmate 8300. I was told it needed to have the software re-loaded. I used R&J Marine in Ipswich - very helpful.
  5. J

    VHF Radio

    Thanks for all the help. I will try Maplins or Icom. Will let you know outcome of the repair if possible.
  6. J

    VHF Radio

    My fixed VHF has broken and is waiting for repairs. Is it possible to connect a handheld VHF to the main ariel and if so what is the likely range compared with a fixed VHF. Also where can you buy a suitable connector - the handheld is an ICOM. Any help would be appreciated as I do not want to...
  7. J

    Volvo KAD32 - Help please!

    Thanks for the advice. Will try the blowers first and if not sorted then investigate the wiring etc.
  8. J

    Volvo KAD32 - Help please!

    We have a Sealine 33 with twin KAD32. When the starboard engine reaches around 2100rpm the main relay on top of the engine cuts out and needs to be reset. Does not happen every time I go out, but very annoying as you lose all the electrics on that engine including tabs and instruments. Easy to...
  9. J

    Sealine F33 Clock

    Many thanks. I will try that next time I go to the boat. Hopefully soon in this weather.
  10. J

    Sealine F33 Clock

    We have a Sealine F33 and the clock has stopped! Does anyone know how to remove the clock to replace the battery - it seems firmly fixed and removing the panel underneath reveals that the clock is screwed in from the front. Any help from the forum would be much appreciated.
  11. J

    Water leak - help please

    thanks, I will try that
  12. J

    Water leak - help please

    Yes, we had the same problem on an S23. Sealine eventually fixed it so good luck.
  13. J

    Water leak - help please

    Thank you. I have not found any access hatches. Do you know if the basin comes out easily?
  14. J

    Water leak - help please

    I have noticed some water in the biges and have traced wet pipes to the area under the shower tray. I think it may be coming from the taps as the water pump keeps cycling on and off. How do you get to the taps as it all appears to be a single moulding? Does the basin come out if you cut the...
  15. J

    Stress Cracks

    Thanks for that. The boat was professionally repaired at a large cost. What sort of reduction in value would this cause? Would it be 10% or more? <hr width=100% size=1>