Recent content by jheynder

  1. jheynder

    Just back from a week on the Solent

    So local knowledge is always to be ignored? :) Anyway, in our case, we had exactly 2.9 meters under our keel when we took the mooring ball, and my tide tables showed a oncoming drop of around 2.5 meters to the next low tide, which would normally be a bit of a concern, but we had been on the...
  2. jheynder

    Just back from a week on the Solent

    It was low tide at springs in the Newtown River, and that boat happened to have a drying berth (and maybe a short, fin keel). Most of the white, visitors' buoys are supposed to have 1.5 to 2 meters of water under them (and ours had at least 1.4, which was fine for our 4' 8" draft), but it...
  3. jheynder

    Just back from a week on the Solent

    We just got back from a week on the Solent. We had big plans for an overnight sail to the West Country, but after a few nights out we decided that it was just too cold to do a long passage. It was at or below freezing most nights, getting down to 25 degrees F one night in Lymington and...
  4. jheynder

    Simple lift for a Rival 34

    Our boat was ready for a proper lift out and clean and anode replacement. Also, she was overdue for a topsides cut and wax. Sealift2 recently added a facility in Gosport– right at the end of our pontoon, actually. Yesterday we had her up and out for the day. A full photo gallery is available...
  5. jheynder

    Original film from "Once is Enough" by Miles Smeeton

    I would go one step further. If I could, I'd type up a script synopsis for a full-length documentary and submit it to the BBC for funding. I've seen "Deep Water": And I was surprised by how the darkest elements of the race were so emphasized over the...
  6. jheynder

    Original film from "Once is Enough" by Miles Smeeton

    I've just been reading Once is Enough by Miles Smeeton, a famous account of a Cape Horn attempt in 1956 by three in a 46 foot wood ketch. There is one or two surprises. Once Is Enough (Sailor's Classics): Miles Smeeton, Smeeton Miles: Books There are main references in the book...
  7. jheynder

    What is an ideal pet for a boat?

    Steve Zissou had two, and hated both of 'em.
  8. jheynder

    A few pics from IOW, Poole, Weymouth, Chichester

    Despite the weekend weather, we've been having some good trips during the week this summer. The following pics are from some of our sails during the last two weeks of June, and the first week of July. We're heading out for one more week starting this Sunday. Full photo gallery: Summer...
  9. jheynder

    Sea Cadet Accident on Solent

    Sorry to see this: Sea cadet, 14, dies after falling from ship in Solent
  10. jheynder

    Tall Ship Concordia Sinks

    This is a repost from Sailnet ( Canadian school ship sinks off Brazil; all rescued - Yahoo! News ( RIO DE JANEIRO...
  11. jheynder

    RYA Courses

    I'll second the BOSS recommendation ( I'm car free, and they've picked me up from the Hamble Train Station every time I've taken a course (and a return ride, too). I also like that they use Westerly Fulmars and Sigma 38s, boat I could conceivable own, instead of 44...
  12. jheynder

    Snowy in Gosport

    Yup, that's Haslars. They had signs up warning about the pontoons, and they were gritting them more when we were there. Moving about the decks on our boat was a bit iffy.
  13. jheynder

    Snowy in Gosport

    There was more snow in Gosport than I expected when I visited our boat on Saturday: Slippery to move around. Our engine fired up first try and I ran her for 25 minutes to warm up. I'm happy to have two heaters in the boat, doing their job. Complete photo gallery at...
  14. jheynder

    Little Peaked Skippers' Caps Poll

    Is this what you are referring to: Or this:
  15. jheynder

    UK & Ireland Circumnavigators Guide

    Good book-- I particularly liked the honesty about which boat upgrades paid off, and which didn't. Well done.