Recent content by Caraway

  1. Caraway

    Enlarging a hole

    How will you centre that?
  2. Caraway

    Downsizing to a Wayfarer (dinghy cruisers, please advise..!)

    The last five of you are a bit late to the conversation. Lazarus would be proud.
  3. Caraway

    What to coat trailer wheels with to minimise rust?

    12 years. Not a bad life span. Live with it.
  4. Caraway

    Trailer Lightboard Positioning

    I don't think new trailer regs can be retrospective. The trailer may have a manufacture date on its plate. It mat be that a trailer is obviously older than new regs. The only thing relative in that link is Trailers built after 29th October 2012 need to be approved by the DVSA Type 01 and 02...
  5. Caraway

    Volvo 2001 banjo bolt torque setting

    But it is a hollow fixing. It is not a bolt. 70Nm is far too fight for a fuel supply line. Why not just say "Oh. Yeah. I see"?
  6. Caraway

    E10 again

  7. Caraway

    E10 again

    Apparently some of the 'Super grades' are ethanol free. I'm sure a Googling would identify them. If you read you car's handbook it will tell you what level of ethanol is safe to use. My runabout is a 2007 Suzuki and that is OK.
  8. Caraway

    ez loader trailer

    Using the hydraulic system could bite you if you ever have an accident. The insurance company will step back, but the plod won't. The argument is that cable and rod brakes work. Hydraulic and electric brakes can stop working, without you realising. The answer is to buy the back plates and...
  9. Caraway

    Man hit with £5k fine

    Just answering Scapegoat. It's what I did.
  10. Caraway

    Man hit with £5k fine

    Cut them up and take them to the recycling centre. That's what I did with one.
  11. Caraway

    ez loader trailer

    From the CMBA forum
  12. Caraway

    Man hit with £5k fine

    He was a chancer. Got what he was asking for.
  13. Caraway

    How big a dinghy for solo launching?

    Winter's coming and the epoxy doesn't like it belows 15 degrees C
  14. Caraway

    How big a dinghy for solo launching?

    Well you tried, but people want to talk about what they would like. He could always build a punt like Dylan Winter did. Building your own little boat is great for the soul. Look about for wood/epoxy dinghies like Fyne Boats or Selway Fisher kits. They are pretty, durable and very light. Usually...