Barquentine "Kotahitanga"


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16 May 2001
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Barquentine \"Kotahitanga\"

Anyone with any knowledge of where this vesel ended up?

I lived aboard for a few months in Whangarei NZ way back in the late 1970s.The owner Norman Kearns had built her from scratch with a ferro hull about 50 foot LOA .Due to waterline problems the ferro decks were removed by Norman and rebuilt to a high standard in wood.Also a bulbous bow was added to correct her" down by the head"attitude.

Norman was a man of enormous tenacity to soldier on in the face of such huge setbacks. I last met him in Auckland Harbour swinging on his anchor in the upper reaches near Greenhithe . His plans were to sail to Europe and start a charter business in the Med .We went our seperate ways and I have not seen or heard of man or boat since.

"Kotahitanga" is a Maori battle cry meaning "united we stand"


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16 May 2001
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Re: Barquentine \"Kotahitanga\"

how do you go about creating a barquentine in only 50 ft? it's pushing it for a brigantine on that length.


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16 May 2001
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Re: Barquentine \"Kotahitanga\"

Have I got it wrong? She had square sails on the forward mast and A Gaff Sail on the after mast. Bowsprit and about 3 headsails.


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19 Jan 2011
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Anyone with any knowledge of where this vesel ended up?

I lived aboard for a few months in Whangarei NZ way back in the late 1970s.The owner Norman Kearns had built her from scratch with a ferro hull about 50 foot LOA .Due to waterline problems the ferro decks were removed by Norman and rebuilt to a high standard in wood.Also a bulbous bow was added to correct her" down by the head"attitude.

Norman was a man of enormous tenacity to soldier on in the face of such huge setbacks. I last met him in Auckland Harbour swinging on his anchor in the upper reaches near Greenhithe . His plans were to sail to Europe and start a charter business in the Med .We went our seperate ways and I have not seen or heard of man or boat since.

"Kotahitanga" is a Maori battle cry meaning "united we stand"

Hi, came across your blog, Norman Kearns is my father and I sailed with him on Kotahitanga for 8 years, to lots of different places, SE Asia, Africa, South America, Carribean. I got off Kotahitanga in Florida In 1984 and Norman carried on to for another 10 years traveling on to the UK then back through Panama, Tahiti and finally New Zealand getting back about 1992


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28 Feb 2012
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I sailed on Kohahitanga from Auckland to Brisbane and I had always wondered what had happened to Norm and the boat. I can't figure out how to contact his son from this blog. Do you know how I can contact him?


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19 Jan 2011
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Hi Kent,
Good to hear from you, I now live in Auckland,dad passed away about 18 years ago now and Kotahitanga was scrapped about 10 years ago. I've recently come ashore after working at sea for the past 25 years.
Regards John


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10 Jul 2008
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Kent Webb. Use the private message facility on this forum. As the IPC moderators have your email address they will also have John's for the PM transmittal and receipt.The PM is at the top of the screen where your username is, click on it to start the process.



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28 Feb 2012
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Making sailors of us all

Good to hear from you John,
Looks like your dad started us both on the sailing life!
Good to hear that he got to live his dream and that you got to go along! I don't know if you recall that I carried on as crew of a Piver trimaran out of Brisbane, all the way to the Maldives. I returned to Canada where I built a 44ft Cross trimaran out of PVC foam and fibreglass, launching in 1992. My wife and I sailed from Vancouver to Mexico and through the Pacific islands to Brisbane and returned via Hawaii in 1994. My brother Brian who lives in Auckland prompted my Googling of the name Kotahitanga because he found a photo of me while the boat was out of the water in Whangerai.
How long were you in Brisbane before Norm had the funds to cruise again?


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8 Jul 2012
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I did sail With Norman and John between Phuket and Penang that was about 1977,also to sri lanka where we spend som time together,would like to get in touch with John, I live in Amsterdam.


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19 Jan 2011
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I did sail With Norman and John between Phuket and Penang that was about 1977,also to sri lanka where we spend som time together,would like to get in touch with John, I live in Amsterdam.

Hi Jouke,

Good to hear from you, I now live in Auckland New Zealand, am married with 3 daughters aged 23, 22 and 14. Norman passed away about 18 years ago. How's Otto? are you still in contact with him.


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8 Jul 2012
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news from amsterdam.

Still in touch with Otto,he lives in Belgium,I also have 3 daughters 26, 24,21.
At the moment no thailand anymore,I often at Bali have a small house there.
A pity New Zealand is faraway,!0 yrs ago I was there,I did cycle around the north island on my bicycle in about 5 weeks ,it is beautiful there I enjoyed it very much.
A pity I did not know that you live in Auckland,hope to hear from you now and then,my mail : klopjouke


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8 Jul 2012
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Hi John ,I still often talk with people about Norman and you ,sailing with you on the Kotahitanga was a very impressing event in our lives,


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3 Mar 2005
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I have no association with Kohahitanga, but I'm very impressed that the YBW forums are able to bring people together after so many years :)


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19 Jul 2016
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Re: Barquentine "Kotahitanga"

Hi John. I am compiling a webpage listing New Zealand ship and boat builders similar to this web page on NSW ship and boat builders at . Can you please tell me where Kotahitanga was built and when she was launched? The record that I have so far compiled for Kotahitanga is given below. Any other additions or corrections that you might suggest would be much appreciated.

Best regards

Name: Kotahitanga
Later names {also Sail or Rego or Fishing No}: <unknown>
Material: Ferrocement
Rig: Brigantine Rig changes & identification codes: <unknown>
Type: Yacht Propulsion: Aux screw
Designer: Donovan?
Year built: 1970s? Yard or Job No: <unknown>
Builder: Kearns, Norman
Where built: NZ
Engines: Motor
Boilers/Gearing: <unknown or N/A>
Official Number: <unknown or N/A> IMO Number: 0
Dimensions (ft)— Est.Length: 50 Breadth: <unknown> Depth: <unknown>
Volumetric ‘tonnage’ measurements (1 ton = 100 cubic ft):
Gross: <unknown> Underdeck: <unknown> Net: <unknown>
Decks: <unknown> Deck Erections: <unknown>
Number of funnels &location: <unknown or N/A> Number of bulkheads: <unknown>
Tanks, etc: <unknown> Freeboard: <unknown>
Stem: <unknown> Figurehead: <unknown> Stern: <unknown>
PORTS and owners: AUCKLAND@b70sb92b94 Norman Kearns
Fate/Status— Year: 2002 Type: B/U Details: <unknown or N/A>
History and details: Built by owner. Name Maori battle cry meaning 'united we stand', also used to describe the 'confederation of tribes'. Ferrocement deck replaced by wood after launch to reduce weight, bulbous bow fitted to reduce trim by bow. 1970s at Bali, sailed to Singapore. Lying at anchor near Greenhithe, Auckland Harbour after 1970s, plans to sail to Europe to start a charter business in the Mediterranean. c1977 sailed from Phuket to Penang then Sri Lanka. Sailed to SE Asia, Africa, South America, Carribean and in 1984 was in Florida, owner continued on to the UK then back through Panama, Tahiti and finally New Zealand getting back about 1992. 1994 owner passed away.
References (see Int:RobertAshbrook
Weblink: , , ,
Research notes:


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19 Jan 2011
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Re: Barquentine "Kotahitanga"

Hi John. I am compiling a webpage listing New Zealand ship and boat builders similar to this web page on NSW ship and boat builders at . Can you please tell me where Kotahitanga was built and when she was launched? The record that I have so far compiled for Kotahitanga is given below. Any other additions or corrections that you might suggest would be much appreciated.

Best regards

Name: Kotahitanga
Later names {also Sail or Rego or Fishing No}: <unknown>
Material: Ferrocement
Rig: Brigantine Rig changes & identification codes: <unknown>
Type: Yacht Propulsion: Aux screw
Designer: Donovan?
Year built: 1970s? Yard or Job No: <unknown>
Builder: Kearns, Norman
Where built: NZ
Engines: Motor
Boilers/Gearing: <unknown or N/A>
Official Number: <unknown or N/A> IMO Number: 0
Dimensions (ft)— Est.Length: 50 Breadth: <unknown> Depth: <unknown>
Volumetric ‘tonnage’ measurements (1 ton = 100 cubic ft):
Gross: <unknown> Underdeck: <unknown> Net: <unknown>
Decks: <unknown> Deck Erections: <unknown>
Number of funnels &location: <unknown or N/A> Number of bulkheads: <unknown>
Tanks, etc: <unknown> Freeboard: <unknown>
Stem: <unknown> Figurehead: <unknown> Stern: <unknown>
PORTS and owners: AUCKLAND@b70sb92b94 Norman Kearns
Fate/Status— Year: 2002 Type: B/U Details: <unknown or N/A>
History and details: Built by owner. Name Maori battle cry meaning 'united we stand', also used to describe the 'confederation of tribes'. Ferrocement deck replaced by wood after launch to reduce weight, bulbous bow fitted to reduce trim by bow. 1970s at Bali, sailed to Singapore. Lying at anchor near Greenhithe, Auckland Harbour after 1970s, plans to sail to Europe to start a charter business in the Mediterranean. c1977 sailed from Phuket to Penang then Sri Lanka. Sailed to SE Asia, Africa, South America, Carribean and in 1984 was in Florida, owner continued on to the UK then back through Panama, Tahiti and finally New Zealand getting back about 1992. 1994 owner passed away.
References (see Int:RobertAshbrook
Weblink: , , ,
Research notes:


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19 Jan 2011
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Re: Barquentine "Kotahitanga"

Hi Mori,

Please see the minor changes below that I have made regarding the yacht Kotahitanga.

Name: Kotahitanga
Later names {also Sail or Rego or Fishing No}: <unknown>
Material: Ferrocement
Rig: Brigantine Rig changes & identification codes: <unknown>
Type: Yacht Propulsion: Aux screw
Designer: Brian Donovan
Year built: 1974 Yard or Job No: <unknown>
Builder: Kearns, Norman
Where built: Span Farm, Auckland, NZ
Engines: Lister JP4
Boilers/Gearing: < N/A>
Official Number: <unknown or N/A> IMO Number: 0
Dimensions (ft)— Est.Length: 50 ft Breadth: 16 ft Depth: 8.5 ft
Volumetric ‘tonnage’ measurements (1 ton = 100 cubic ft):
Gross: <unknown> Underdeck: <unknown> Net: <unknown>
Decks: <unknown> Deck Erections: <unknown>
Number of funnels N/A> Number of bulkheads: <unknown>
Tanks, etc: fuel capacity 1200 l, FW 1000 l Freeboard: <unknown>
Stem: <unknown> Figurehead: <unknown> Stern: <unknown>
PORTS and owners: AUCKLAND@b70sb92b94 Norman Kearns
Fate/Status— Year: 2002 Type: B/U Details: <unknown or N/A>
History and details: Built by owner. Name is Maori meaning 'unity, also used to describe the ‘NZ confederation of tribes'. Ferrocement deck replaced by wood after launch to reduce weight, 1976 Departed New Zealand and sailed to Australia, Indonesia,Singapore,Malaysia, Thailand, Sri Lanka, Seychelles, Comoro Islands, Mozambique, South Africa, Brazil, French Guyana, Trinidad Tobago Martinique, Virgin Islands, Bahamas, Florida, Bermuda, UK, Gibraltar, Barbados, Panama, Tahiti, Rarotonga and finally New Zealand getting back about 1992. 1994 owner passed away.
References (see Int:RobertAshbrook
Weblink: , , ,
Research notes:
Last edited:


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19 Jul 2016
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Re: Barquentine "Kotahitanga"

Thanks very much John

I have updated the record accordingly. Sounds like your father's journey was something of an epic. 18 years! Do you have a photo of the Kotahitanga that shows what she looked like?

Best regards

Isla Bonita

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7 Jan 2011
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Re: Barquentine "Kotahitanga"

Hi John!
I've been looking out for any news on Kotahi Tanga, on and off for years. I (& Kim) we're aboard with you in Durban '82 ish. So good to read you and Norman continued onwards for all those years. Kim lives in Adelaide with our 32 yr old son. I have been living in Portugal Algarve since '89, married my wife in 2000. User name here is name of our ketch and we're aboard about three months every summer, here and the Med. Often think back to our many good times. Can hardly believe Norman sailed past my doorstep en-route to Gib! Be great to hear from you... Cheers, Keith (the Scots guy, and crap surfer!)


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19 Jan 2011
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Re: Barquentine "Kotahitanga"

Hi Keith,
Good to hear from you, it's always amazing to make contact with people who sailed aboard Kotahitanga from years ago. Were you guys on board in Durban only or did you sail down the coast with us as well. Do you have any photos from back then?
I live in NZ now and am married with 3 daughters 19, 27 & 28 and a grand son & daughter and have always worked on the water.