As an Instructor and a generally nosy person who spelling is crap.


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12 Mar 2018
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Yachtmaster Offshore (1983)
RYA Survival at Sea
RYA Safety Boat
Various First Aid Certs'
RYA YM Ocean Theory (never got around to presenting log etc. for full Cert'.)


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7 Sep 2001
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Are you by any chance a teacher or academic?
? “Those who can do, those who can’t teach, those who can’t teach, teach teachers” . Never ceases to amaze me how many who do RYA courses end up as instructors. I surmise the RYA “centres” find it profitable to recruit and teach instructors rather than encourage new participants to the sport to join clubs


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15 Mar 2007
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? “Those who can do, those who can’t teach, those who can’t teach, teach teachers” . Never ceases to amaze me how many who do RYA courses end up as instructors. I surmise the RYA “centres” find it profitable to recruit and teach instructors rather than encourage new participants to the sport to join clubs
Err, you have to be a qualified Yachtmaster Offshore to be assessed as an instructor. ?


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8 Oct 2005
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Some dinghy certificate, when I was a schoolboy. Long since lost.
Long range radio - dead impressive certificate, bit like a passport , except it's green.
A couple of sea survival courses
Serious first aid - Medical Care Aboard Ship. done it twice.
Plus 75,000 sea miles


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18 Feb 2010
Isle of Wight
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Grew up on boatyard in 70s = school of hard knocks and being used as ballast as a child

DS theory
DS practical

all about 2003 ish. 2020 was year of YM, but, well, 2020...

Radar course - cancelled
Navigation refreshed - cancelled
YM theory online, registered 4 months ago but, er, done nothing. There always the winter.

PB2 booked next spring


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7 Jan 2008
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"Those who can do, those who can’t teach, those who can’t teach, teach teachers”

Not wishing to get personal, but in all disciplines and activities in life, the above quote is simply a worn-out piece of nonsense.

I was taught English at school by a man who was already (and remains) a highly-accomplished author (and still a school-teacher), and physics by a man who had been at the forefront of British nuclear research in the 1960s and 70s until ill-health prompted a change in career.

In my professional life I was able to attract adult students to train privately with me precisely because I had a demonstrably successful parallel career as a practitioner.

In my hobby as a leisure sailor I was successfully and efficiently taught a myriad of skills (YM Theory, DS Practical, YM Prep, RYA day courses, etc) by capable experienced sailors etc, have learnt a huge amount more courtesy of the vast amount of practical experience (amounting to probably several millennia of sailing or boat-maintaining lifetimes) freely given by members of these forums, not to mention what I've learnt from reading a whole wall of sailing books by every last sailor or mariner who ever did anything from crawling around East Coast ditches, to spending years before the mast or serving on a warship, to single-handing a paper-boat around the world and who all successfully committed their knowledge and experience to words.

Not everyone has the patience or personality to make a career of teaching, but to do so actually deepens one's own knowledge and skills in the process of devising and honing the most efficient methods of imparting that expertise to students or a wider audience.


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28 May 2012
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Since 2008:
DS Theory
DS Practical
Dinghy L2
YM Theory
Couple of RORC sea survivals
Powerboat cert of some sort
YM Practical
(also an maintenance certificate of uncertain provenance and a couple of First Aid certificates.)
All that, and I still park by braille.?

Jungle Jim

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18 Jul 2014
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Dinghy L1
Dinghy L 2
Dinghy Seamanship skills
Dinghy day sailing
Keelboat L2 (ran out of dinghy courses)
Day skipper theory
Coastal skipper and yachtmaster offshore theory
Yachtmaster coastal practical
First Aid

I had to dig the certificates out of the travel documents bag, I have them in a wallet in case I need to convince some charter company that I know which bits of string to pull - at least in theory :)


Well-known member
3 Jul 2002
At sea somewhere.
I started sailing in the 60’s as a sprog.
Fathoms charts and hard won knowledge of tides (heights and currents) crewing as a teenager for a father of a friend.
lt wasn’t until I was a thirty something year old I sailed in a cruising yacht again properly. Electric Storm (Westerly Storm No 1 at Westerly Seaschool). I did YM theory and Coastal practical over two weeks including the practical exam.
A couple of years and lots of sailing later I did a weeks prep with Southern Seaschool and took my YM and promptly got asked if I’d like to consider being a YMI. I was a bit short of the 7,500 miles so I came back and after a very gruelling one week exam by Alison Noice and James Steven’s by some miracle I passed. A few years later I was invited to become an examiner. I took my YM Ocean ticket a few years later and a few years later got appointed a YM Ocean examiner.
Lots of First Aid (including Ships Captains Medical and the services give you Sea Survival and Firefighting until the cows come home.
Somehow I’m still here and still crashing boats (don’t ask -it’s just more embarrassing...!)

In the middle of all the above I got to skipper some power boats and took my YM Power conversion. I was one of the examiners appointed in the days when you were just a YM Examiner. No distinction between power and sail; only Bill Anderson asking us to please not examine on boats we weren’t familiar with skippering. Eventually the RYA caught up and suggested I ought to be a YM (power) if I was to examine power, so I duly paid the fee and took the test and got the ticket.
And yes they’re all commercially endorsed but I’m not sure what difference it makes sometimes. I can still muck up with the best of them.


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11 Jun 2002
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I was wondering what training have you all had if any?
Most do ICC or day skipper
and VHF.
Just wondering I did Dayskipper theory and YM theory , Dayskipper practical and VHF, it was not until I wanted to teach it that I went any further with course and exams etc.
I came into boating having decades of navigation knowledge from multiple flying licences, mountaineering ( with RAF mountain rescue for some years, even though I wasn't in RAF).
I ended up on committee of a boating club, so thought I should get some qualifications, so I could tell members training was good (one experience was looking at a map and someone asking what the blue bits were!). Did VHF.
Then while I was down in Salcombe, in my 21' powerboat, called in on a trainer for Powerboat Advanced. I'd come from Lymington. He was was ex RNLI helm. His comment can't be repeated on here, but basically why **** do you need training if you've come all the way here in a 21' boat. Anyway, booked training, and did it on one of his ribs instead of mine some time later.
It was fascinating the skills I'd aquired and thought nothing of.
Navigation, day and night wasn't an issue. When I had to do the bit of planning a journey from map landmarks and turn them into a voyage plan, and do constant speed to set points, he started bringing along instructor trainees who would do compass sightings on the landmarks so we could do it in seconds, and it turned out to be a huge game for all of us. They kept telling me to look at the wake from point to point and how straight it was, and my comments were usually quite rude, as there was no way I was looking around and loosing my sight marks (usually the edges of clouds, with a look at compass once in a while). We managed to do every waypoint within seconds of my planning. I'm sure the rest of the training was great, but that's the only bit I really remember, as it was so rewarding to plan that well, and to nail the waypoints with no GPS


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15 Mar 2002
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I was taught how to sail a dinghy by a family friend as a teenager and later crewed for a friend with a dinghy while I was at university. There was then a hiatus of some 25 years when I was busy earning my living and bringing up a family before I got some sort of "Mediterranean Helmsman's Certificate" when I did a taster keel-boat course in the Ionian. After that I did Day Skipper theory and practical before undertaking several family holiday charters in the Mediterranean and the Caribbean. Later, in the run up to retirement and getting my own boat, I did VHF, Coastal Skipper theory, practical and exam, and then the CEVNI to upgrade my ICC. I am sure I have learned most, however, by sailing my own boat, although I am also sure the learning would have been much less effective (and safe) without the prior training.


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22 Oct 2012
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MN once upon a time long ago.
learned to sail with OYC.
CYA Basic Instructor course with Gillian West. (She was one of the originals at CYA and ASA)
added intermediate and and advanced. Just because it was there. And power.
Instructor Certificate lapsed many many years ago, to busy with other aspects of life.

currently just putter about.


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13 Mar 2017
None of your nosey business
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Started falling out of dinghies as a kid then canoes, water skis, windsurfers etc etc.
VHF one-day course/exam ~1986.

Coastal Skipper practical assessment/exam 1988 from JSSC Hornet. Didn't do a theory course/exam - that was "self taught" with practice doing cocked hats and wavy lines on a Type22 Frigate! Had a few days practical boat handling (Contessa 33 perhaps - it was red) before exchanging the tutor for an examiner. Nearly "berthed" across the entrance to the National Sailing Centre at Cowes but didn't - there were two quite widely spaced & unoccupied piles. It was dark...? Examiner asked me to secure using fishermans bendso_O so I asked my crew to do so then waved my torch at them to check they were OK. I still don't know what a fishermans bend looks like. The RAF chap who was unsuccessful wasn't amused when he discovered, later, that the successful Naval chap had duped both he and the examiner.:D

Upgraded VHF to VHF/DSC ~2001.
One-day Diesel Engine course in 2003 after buying my first diesel engine that came with a free boat.