YM French Islands...


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3 Dec 2001
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We are looking forward with interest to the forthcoming YM article on Ile de Re where we have recently spent some time...the cycling is terrific with few hills and varied scenery, superb bird life and vast expanses of Biscay beaches which can also be cycled upon if that's your fancy and the tide is right - some odd human sights to pass by quickly...however, the approach to Ars-en-Re may be a grounding experience if you draw more than 1.5m and even if you do time it right which we didn't quite on the approach - no real problem since the tide still had a bit to rise! The power boats invariably don't slow down so expect to bump on the hard sand. The approaches are very well marked indeed - but do not be surprised if beyond the inner pool you touch bottom just before the final pairs of small red and green channel markers (preceded by small red cans and yellow `X` spars).
If you can observe this area at LW you will notice that the "channel"/deeper water is in fact (mid-June 2002) to Port of these preceding red cans on the approach...
Having observed the channel at LW, noting the coefficient and having been reassured by the Capitainerie that with our draft and departure time - HW-1.25 - "No problem - stay in the marked channel" we duly departed over the sill and there, just where we had been stopped, was a yacht aground on it's approach; furthermore we could feel our keel very lightly skipping over the ripples in the sand - so we left the channel and went outside the red can finding deeper water and had no further problems following the rest of the marks to reach the Bucheron buoy. Be very aware that not very far beyond these red cans there are posts which might cause damage. Is this a common experience approaching/leaving Ars-en-Re? Is there a serious silting problem and/or should approaches only be made on higher coefficients? We found it much preferable to St Martin which can be very noisy and will return with care having also been made most welcome in La Flotte.


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18 Nov 2001
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Could I encourage you to list the ports around that area that you have visited with a brief comment, perhaps? I plan to have a cruise around there and find the French to be....well French when it comes to up to date info!


16 May 2001
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The pilot is very good. Just visited Belle Isle, Isle d' Yeu
(last week) and currently the boat is in La Rochelle - loss of crew forced alternative Biscay crossing! If I can help with info. let me know.
Hopefully moving on to the Rias in Portugal and Spain for August.
Happy sailing.