YBW Free Sailing Knife ?


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9 Aug 2001
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I ordered £140 worth of goods from YBW.com ( yes ..... this site ) and was told that the 'Free Stainless Steel Sailing Knife' offer was finished. This was a few weeks ago and they are STILL advertising the offer in the link from the home page, and also in the catalogue page !!!! I know they are in cahoots with Compass Watersports and I sent an e-mail to their sales team asking for an explanation, or a free knife ! Guess what ............. No Reply.
Has anyone else ordered goods from YBW and been told the same. I think they are breaching the Trades Description Act with this false marketing.


Well-known member
16 May 2001
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I just looked at the YBW home page using the link from this board and they definitely are STILL advertising the free knife with every purchase.

Get heavy with them they are breaking the law.Its not the value of the knife but the principle .I feel certain that the Advertising Standards A gency or Trading Standards would be interested.

I received a free knife a few months back after ordering with the Compass catalogue ,its a good little boat knife.

I think Trading Standards have a websiote somewhere.


My understanding is that if they tell you at the time of purchase that you can have something, then they legally have to give it to you. If the offer of a free knife was made when you ordered, then it's yours!

This is the same law that stops shopkeepers advertising something at one price and then charging you another, I think.

When I bought my mobile phone, the company sent me a leaflet with it containing an offer of 12 months' free insurance for online orders. When I called up to claim it, they told me it was finished but admitted at once that they had to give it to me.

Jump up and down, is my advice. If in public, as in these forums, so much the better. Good luck.

"Whoops... I'm falling in love with narrowboating..."


Well-known member
30 May 2001
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I think your first paragraph is correct.

However, as regards prices, my understanding is that prices are an invitation to trade. Most, if not all catalogue and on-line stores have a disclaimer to the effect that prices are liable to change and should be confirmed at the time of ordering. If you are charged a higher price than you were told, then that would be wrong.

Perhaps a legal eagle could confirm.


Under the basic code of conduct for the ASA, any advertisement MUST be LEGAL, DECENT, HONEST and TRUTHFUL. If the link is an advertisement for another site (which of course it is!) you have your answer!

I have no doubt that you may well receive your knife fairly soon!!


Active member
16 May 2001
Berkshire, Somerset, Hampshire
The reason

The sailing knife offer is exclusive to ybw.com now and it is still current.

A similar offer ran with Compass Watersports and that is now closed. We expect that at some point wires were crossed hence the answer you were given.

You will receive an e-mail today clarifying the situation and arranging to send the missing knife.

Sorry for any confusion but any orders taken via the ybw website or ybw-marine-store telephone number will be honoured exactly as per the offer.



Re: The reason

I got the free knife with a recent order from Compass, it wasn't really worth the packaging and certainly didn't make up for the order (a teak table) being 7 days late and kicked to bits in transit. I had to spend an hour repairing it , unfortunately a member of the marina staff signed for it, I wouldn't have accpeted delivery.

It is not the first time an order with "guarenteed" delivery has turned up late, we won't be using them again.




Re: The reason

I am glad to see kimhollamby is following these issues up. It shows that an individual is concerned about the reputation of the company. It only takes a few knocks for a reputation to take a hammering. I'm sure a lot of us think about who we are ordering from before placing an order and I for one have been monitoring the conclusion of this one.
Companies spend a lot on advertising in magazines etc but it is the small things that customers remember. We don't get to hear about the success stories. We learn a lot from other peoples experiences.
A thank you to kimhollamby. Keep it up.


Re: The reason

An aside.

As a matter of legal intrigue, where does the "invitation to treat" come into this? A shop keeper, for example, can place an article in his/her shop window for a stated price, to attract the shoppers into his/her shop, but he/she is not compelled to sell it at that price - it can be more. The free offer, for a large number of people, could be the deciding factor as to whether they buy the goods from one source or another. It has been know that something on offer is not there by the time it goes to press, if it has been part of a larger advertising campaign. Web page advertising in this instance can be altered very quickly, but the long lead-in times to go to print for a magazine may mean that the article has been over subscribed. Therefore, legitimately, customers taking up the offer from the magazine may be told that the offer is no longer available, but the website would be more difficult to get aware with, as it is in real time.

For the record, for those that are interested, here is the Trading Standards Website:


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22 Jan 2002
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Re: The reason

There is no excuse for goods arriving damaged or late, and your complaint has been passed directly to Compass and an explanation requested. Even though the marina had signed for the goods, should they be damaged, as in your case, we will send a replacement. Our service standards mean that we insist the goods you receive are in A1 condition, if not they are replaced. I realise that in an ideal world the goods would not have been damaged and your purchase would have been trouble free, something which we are trying hard to achieve. I totally agree that the customer service levels are as important as the marketing and this is being addressed as I write.

In the mean time please feel free to call either myself +44 (0) 207 261 6485 or Compass +44 (0) 1380 813 100 in order to rectify the situation.

Matthew Harvey


Re: The reason

This is a copy of the e-mail I sent Compass yesterday, to date I haven't had a reply but this doesn't surprise me.

>On Wednesday 8th of May I placed an online order for a Skipper folding table, I >requested delivery on demand for Saturday 11th May at Ardrossan Marina as we >were sailing from Ardrossan to Whitehaven on the Sunday to take up a mooring. >I received confirmation of the order by e-mail.

>As it turned out, we didn't sail for Whitehaven, just as well as the table didn't turn >up. It still hadn't turned up by Wednesday 15th of May. I rang to find out where it >items, no mention of this on your website or in my order confirmation. I asked >why I hadn't been contacted to let me know this, your representative said you >don't contact customers unless there is a problem with the order. I think a weeks >delay in delivery would constitute a problem.

>The table eventually turned up on Friday, 17th May, 9 days after the order. The >box was in tatters and the table was damaged, unfortunately the marina staff >deliver and was a present from a relative I have made repairs to it, I have no >doubt that if I try and return it I will never see it again. This is not the first >problem we have had with your "fast" delivery. My wife had similar problems in >February with some clothes she ordered for me although at least they hadn't >been kicked to death in transit when they finally arrived!

>Suffice to say this is the last order you will get from us, your "service" is >appalling to say the least. Details of both incidents are to be posted on the UK >sailing newsgroup on the Internet, other potential customers can then make an >informed decision as to whether or not to deal with you.

I will be interested to see how this turns out, I fully expected you to pull my post so credit to you for not doing that. I won't be back at the boat (in Scotland) until the bank holidayso I am not in a position to return the table. I posted this on uk.rec.sailing as well.

According to the "customer services" person I spoke to, the whole process is dealt with by computer, even sticking the stamps on the box! Perhaps a little human input might improve the situation.




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9 Aug 2001
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What have I started !!

Sounds like Compass has a few disgruntled customers .......... and I am one.
I did get an e-mail direct from Compass to tell me that as I 'mentioned' Compass on the phone ( even after calling on the YBW line ) then I am automatically deemed a Compass user and it seems that I don't qualify for the offer ???. I seem to recall the offer saying 'Free Knife with EVERY purchase' ........... not just for first time buyers being introduced to Compass via YBW.

Come on Compass ........ get your act together.

The knife itself is now not the issue but I must pursue this as a matter of principle.
Seems like there are a few people with interests in Trading Standards following this thread with anticipation. I would like to conclude it positively with a favourable posting on the outcome.

I agree with a previous posting ....... full marks to Kim at IPC media for the attention she is giving this problem. I am pursuing directly with Compass and await a further reply. I will keep you all posted ....................



Two steps lower than the ships' cat
17 Apr 2002
NE Scotland
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Just to keep the record straight, I have purchased 3 seperate orders from Compass with no problems. My first order was for a set of oilies which were recommended by another mag (ST), and I have found them to be very good.
I ordered some stuff for my wife a couple of weeks ago, and when she tried them on, discovered that she needed to change the sizes of a couple of items. These were sent back with a request for different sizes, which duly arrived.
Others may beg to differ, but I can only give my personal experience of Compass.



Re: The reason

I have finally just received a reply from Compass. Reply as follows.

:> Your sad news about the table seems to be coming at me from all angles. I
:>heard about it on the forum, was sent a copy by Kim Hollamby and then picked
:>up your e-mail to us. We have been trying to trace where the table went and
:>rather gather that it was sent to the wrong depot first so probably
:>travelled a good distance which also explains the state of the packaging.
:>There is in fact reference to heavy goods not being able to be sent by
:>express delivery in our terms and conditions but it would be more useful to
:>put it next to the product. Therefore the computer had defaulted back to
:>standard delivery and so no bells rang to say there was a problem.
:>In cases where damaged goods have arrived or where we have not delivered as
:>promised we ship replacement goods by UPS. It's just a shame you didn't
:>contact us immediately you received the table so we could rectify the
:>situation. We try extremely hard to satisfy the 300 or so customers we deal
:>with every day and usually manage to find a sensible solution.

No apology or recompense, in fact it seems to be my fault they aren't
going to do anything. I've replied and told them what I think of them
as follows.

:>So that's it is it? No apology, no recompense? No action whatsoever to
:>try and rectify a catalogue of errors on your part?
:>My goods were not shipped as promised and I told you about that on
:>Wednesday 15th May. I quote your confirmation e-mail.
:>:>Delivery Details (optional):
:>:> Peter Kay,
:>:> Clyde Marina, The Harbour, ,
:>:> Ardrossan, North Ayreshire, KA22 8DB
:>:>Delivery on demand: 11.05.2002
:>:>Ref. 735605, qty: 1, name: Skipper Teak Folding Table
:>:>size/color: , price: £ 69.95
:>I will forward your e-mail on to the PBO forum and the uk.rec.sailing
:>newsgroup. I have ended up with 80ukp's worth of damaged goods. What
:>damage is being done to your reputation is anyone's guess. It's taken
:>you 48 hours from my first e-mail to even bother replying, regardless
:>of the fact you have made no offer of recompense. Your idea of
:>customer service is absolutely abysmal, you certainly won't be getting
:>any further orders from me so kindly remove me from your mailing

I doubt it will do any good but it makes me feel better.




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9 Aug 2001
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After all this, I am glad to say that Compass have taken the honourable action and will send me my knife. It was getting a bit busy on this thread as I seemed to have prompted a few other unhappy Compass customers to share their experiences. To be fair, it would also appear that they also have their satisfied customers and now that I have finally got a result ........... I am one of them ( albeit after a bit of fun on this forum ).
I received my ordered goods yesterday ( 2 x auto life jackets and a Nargus TV antenna ) and all is well. I must say that the auto life jackets, with built in harness, are a good buy at £40 odd pounds. ( there you are - some advertising for Compass to finish up ! )
I can now go off sailing at the weekend, satisfied with my purchases, and hopefully with my new knife ( if it arrives on time ! ). Mind you ............. have you seen the weather forecast ........ is it really the end of May !!
Anyway. Thanks Compass for seeing sense in the end and to Kim at IPC Media for being the catalyst.
Hamish ( Millport )