Yachting Youtube channels


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15 May 2005
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I still can't understand why Dylan doesn't have those up on Youtube. He'd have made a fortune by now, especially over lockdown!
He used to, but this was pre Patreon and the revenue only came from ads. Then Google decided to lock him out of the scheme for some reason and even that tiny income stream stopped. So he understandably removed his content.
I did send him a few quid and bought his DVD... but he got increasingly grumpy and sort of disappeared. Which is a shame.


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30 May 2001
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I enjoy quite a few of those already mentioned. I started about 5 years ago with Delos, which is still my favourite, Vagabond I enjoyed briefly but soon got fed up with Elanya thinking and acting like a media star, pushing her crap cd's.
Uma I like for their can do attitude and innovation, gone with the Wynns because they seem a pleasant couple, and she is an excellent free diver, and they always seem to feature really interesting local people.
Ive recently discovered Sailing Ruby Rose, a really laid back couple who simply enjoy whatever is around them. They’re currently sailing a cat in Australia..
I have sent a few quid to Delos over the years as a thanks for all the hours of good viewing they’ve provided me, but haven’t done so recently as it seems that all the channels I enjoy watching are pretty well funded through their patreons


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13 Jul 2020
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Not sure I'd refer to Kika as eye candy. She's the brains of the operation from what I can see, but does have a well crafted on screen persona to try to appear like the ditsy wife.

I'm with you on this one. The term "eye candy" infers that someone is there for no functional reason other than providing visual attraction. Now I wouldn't disagree that Kika is somewhat attractive, but she is quite capable of handling the boat if Dan was incapacitated for any reason.

FWIW: "ditsy girlfriend", if you please.


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15 May 2005
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I started about 5 years ago with Delos, which is still my favourite,

I don't find Delos unmissable anymore. Their time in the Indian Ocean and the south Atlantic was exceptional. But obviously they cannot keep that pace up with just two of them and a baby.

It's quite hard at the moment to find anybody still actively sailing anywhere interesting. Soulianis are so far behind with their videos that they haven't even reached the pandemic yet. Millenial Falcon are still on the move, I quite like them.

I don't think MJ Sailing have been mentioned yet, they were doing some good stuff but as with so many have stopped and are building their next boat. I did laugh way too much when they visited the "Outer Hee-Bridees".


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13 Jul 2020
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Good catch, I remembered them getting engaged a couple of years ago and somehow assumed they had married :)

Apparently being together on a Canadian flagged vessel does not count towards her gaining nationality/residency. It would take 5 years of little cruising, which would mean the end of the channel as we know it.

Buck Turgidson

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10 Apr 2012
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The naughty boy in me is tempted to comment on Eric the Vikings latest instalment.
I do think it's great that he's getting free stuff thrown at him from all directions as he has made some great videos of great voyages but the latest advert for Raymarine and seldon was pretty much no sailing just BS :)