Yacht rescue off Littlehampton.

Biggles Wader

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3 Mar 2013
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I'm not sure there's a difference; if you put your info into the public domain, you know you can't control how it's used.
I see the post has been removed. Well done. It may be perfectly legal to use public information for witch hunts but I like to think we try to maintain a modicum of decency here.


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9 May 2009
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I'm not sure there's a difference; if you put your info into the public domain, you know you can't control how it's used.
Yes like photos you post on the East Coast Forum that end up everywhere from Facebook to Yachting World without so much as thanks XYDave!


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8 Aug 2013
SW Scotland
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Isn't it all information which the guy has willingly put into the public domain?
He has supplied it for a particular purpose; using it for another is distinctly dodgy, GDPR-wise. Anyway, we have no idea whether he is on board or whether there is any legal issure with the trip - as others have posted, a professional delivery is fine.

Mumsnet is full of people on housing estates being shouted at by their neighbours for insufficient applause on Thursday night. We can be better than that.


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13 Mar 2017
None of your nosey business
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He has supplied it for a particular purpose; using it for another is distinctly dodgy, GDPR-wise. Anyway, we have no idea whether he is on board or whether there is any legal issure with the trip - as others have posted, a professional delivery is fine.

Mumsnet is full of people on housing estates being shouted at by their neighbours for insufficient applause on Thursday night. We can be better than that.
Yes we can. :) ???????


Well-known member
26 Aug 2012
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I see the post has been removed. Well done. It may be perfectly legal to use public information for witch hunts but I like to think we try to maintain a modicum of decency here.

It's also in clear breach of the forum rules.....

"(k) Comments submitted to any Forum may be recorded and stored in multiple places, both on the Website and elsewhere on the internet. These comments may be accessible for a long time and Users will not have control over who may read them. Users should be careful and selective over the personal information they disclose about themselves and others. In particular Users should not disclose sensitive, embarrassing, proprietary or confidential information in any comments made on any Forum. Users should not include sensitive personal details (like e-mail or physical addresses or telephone numbers) anywhere on the Forum, but particularly on public message boards.


Well-known member
9 May 2009
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Mumsnet is full of people on housing estates being shouted at by their neighbours for insufficient applause on Thursday night. We can be better than that.

Jumbleduck on Mumsnet!

As for the clapping, is it just pointless virtue signalling by the same people that have cleared the shops out so the NHS workers can’t buy anything on their way home from work, or a nice idea, I’m not sure.


Well-known member
17 Mar 2020
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Jumbleduck on Mumsnet!

As for the clapping, is it just pointless virtue signalling by the same people that have cleared the shops out so the NHS workers can’t buy anything on their way home from work, or a nice idea, I’m not sure.
You must be really looking forward to the Royal Broadcast on Sunday then.


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16 May 2001
UK East Coast
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As for the clapping, is it just pointless virtue signalling by the same people that have cleared the shops out so the NHS workers can’t buy anything on their way home from work, or a nice idea, I’m not sure.

It's the former!

We should be haranguing the idiot NHS/PHE management as to why they ignored all the warnings.


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16 Nov 2013
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I guess that the worst case scenario is that Covid-19 also mutates rapidly, making the development of an effective vaccine very difficult. If I recall correctly, there isn't a vaccine for HIV for pretty much that reason. But I am not an epidemiologist, nor an expert on viruses!
Covid-19 has mutated but not in a clinically significant way.

It is unlikely to mutate particularly fast in a bad way.

Flu contains 8 packets of information. When two different flu infect the same cell you can end up with mixed up packets and an entirely new flu strain. Hence we get bird flu etc.

Coronavirus has just 1 packet. So you need a copying error to make a change in the code. That happens (think there has been 4 detected so far) but the change would also need to leave a viable virus AND change how it behaves. We would likely have a vaccine before then. Once we have a vaccine we will dramatically reduce amount of copying and so opportunity for copying errors.

HIV, one of the challenges is it disables your immune system. Vaccines probably only work once a small amount of cells are infected and then the immune system kicks in, well before symptoms. A small amount of HIV may still.be enough to disable the immune response.

There are HIV mutations, but I don't think it mutates that fast, but being immune to one strain may increase risky behaviour.


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16 Nov 2013
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Look for the politicians - it seems they were driving the decisions.
Yes this is not an NHS cock up. The NHS took part in an exercise 5 or 6 years ago that flagged issues with Ventilators etc. Government ignored it. For years the NHS has been told it didn't need to stockpile because the government has a strategic stockpile. I knew the army needed to distribute from that. Yet it almost seems a shock to government

The bizarre thing is that with swine flu there was massive planning well before we had lots of cases, same for SARs etc. We knew in January this was a possibility. We seem to have either said "we have a plan" and not decided to check it, or decided the NHS was already too stretched to ask them to test this and develop plans.

It's amazing they made a (field) hospital in so few days. But actually, the plans could have been produced in January.


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16 Nov 2013
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So why do we bother with the hundreds of highly-paid PHE staff? Or the thousands of highly-paid NHS staff? Aren't they paid to make decisions?
They are only allowed to spend the budget they have.

If they don't think they have enough £££ they can go to government and say "we need to improve the PPE stockpile" or "we need to develop a better RNA testing network" or "we need to store 30,000 ventilators just in case"... Who then say... How about we fix this Brexit shambles first because apparently we buy medicines from Europe and might not get them after Brexit so this is our be current priority.

Judging by other countries, none of them have had this high on the radar. I'd guess they've all been telling each other they are well sorted.

They've become complacent because

* SARS and MERS never became issues for the west
* Swine Flu was not too bad because standard flu vaccine was >40% effective, plus we had antivirals (that may or may not have worked but made people feel something was being done)
* EBola didn't come except for the odd healthcare worker returning and was well managed


Well-known member
16 Nov 2013
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Oh and there are lots of PHE staff. But lots less than years ago, because of austerity. And only a tiny proportion will work on infection.


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8 Aug 2013
SW Scotland
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Jumbleduck on Mumsnet!

Don't knock it till you've tried it. The best fun is on "Am I Being Unreasonable" (answer: yes) and "Relationships", both of which provide a steady supply of highly entertaining[1] tales of poor life decisions and eminently foreseeable consequences. It's like Take a Break and the Jeremy Kyle Show rolled into one glorious whole.

[1] It is not nice to laugh at stupid people, but I do not claim to be nice.


Well-known member
9 May 2009
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Don't knock it till you've tried it. The best fun is on "Am I Being Unreasonable" (answer: yes) and "Relationships", both of which provide a steady supply of highly entertaining[1] tales of poor life decisions and eminently foreseeable consequences. It's like Take a Break and the Jeremy Kyle Show rolled into one glorious whole.

[1] It is not nice to laugh at stupid people, but I do not claim to be nice.

I’ll give that a miss, you’ve enlightened me with all I need to know, thanks!