Worried about Priddy


11 Jan 2002
Caribbean at the moment
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Re: Priddy

Alan Priddy, apparently v nice chap, has built a home made pilothouse rib out of a rib and some fibreglass, wih big tanks, and a 420hp yanmar engine. Got sponsorhip, and holds the record for going all the way round british isles and ireland and the islands (but not St Kilda's) praps partly cos because um nobody else has done it. Now attempting a round the world record, whjich so long as he keeps going at 20knots and doesn't stop except for fuel, he may win. Altho around GB +Eire the average over a much shorter distance was only er 7 knots...

Anyway, an MBY reporter went out with him for a test run in the Irish sea, and they all fell asleep, journo wakes up and realises he's on his own. Then, Priddy wakes up and tells him abou his amazing nav method. This involves taking 4 mobile phones out to sea, 3 of which are turned off, and the other is used to send them text messages. So, for example (according to Priddy) could set off from Penzance to pembroke and turn on the other phones once say 10miles clear of the coast, have a nice snooze on autopilot and then the phones will wake you up, see, once in range of the land,when the phone will be able to see the land and get the messages beep beep! Praps this explain why didn't go round st kildas cos no phone reception there. Apparently one member of the crew is considering replacing his head with an optic to save the bother of pouring drinks, or I may have made that up.

Anyway, now he's attempting a round the world record. Google for more with Spirit of Cardiff, the name of the boat.


11 Jan 2002
Caribbean at the moment
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Re: Priddy, Mendip, wibble

Ooh well-known fact. Miners Arms. Masaccio knows all about these because he frequents the place in his routine avoidance of Camden High Street on his way home.

Or, praps he also can type in "priddy" into a search engine! and then help you hijack an otherwise perfickly feasible discussion so here we are talking bout blimmin snails and Massaccio blimmin being so wise as to know about edible snails that are actually an 18th century treatment for backward children! So perhaps he knows about'em cos he *isn't* wise, see?

ahem. anyway. I do beg you pardon gentleman, but I actually meant Alan Priddy, who is planning to drive a RIB around the world. Yes, I do know that the spare rib is a magazine, and about the number of ribs in men v women, ooh really you don't say well that is very interesting to hear about someone completely different also called Alan hmm...I suppose you may as well carry on now and i'll go and find some biscuits.


Ah, well...being something of a connoisseur of gastropod gastronomy (as well as being an afficiando of edible bi-valve filter-feeders) I have had occasion to visit Priddy. Have also spent some time climbing in nearby Cheddar Gorge and spanking my FireStorm along some of the fabulous roads up on Mendip.


Re: Priddy, Mendip, wibble

Ha! Pot-Kettle interface scenario, methinks! TCM accusing others of hi-jacking threads...tsk.


Active member
23 Jul 2001
Malvern, Worcs
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Re: Priddy, Mendip, wibble

Is the Miners "that famous" or have you, too, done a "search" ?
So all this wisedon is in fact just the ability to enter the "correct" search words into Google or Yahoo or whatever.
Illusions of wisedom shattered into small pieces. :-(

I was not hijacking but merely giving a more diverse view on maybe how the certain Mr Priddy or indeed his ancestors may have got their surname. Could he be, Alan of "Priddy" - i.e. that Alan that lived in Priddy.

Or maybe not .....

Adrian :))


Re: ok, I meant Spirit of Cardiff

There's a very fine pub near Burnham Overy Staithe where they do annelids with local samphire and a light nematode coulis....


Re: Blackpird Paté Week

Think the paté could be off for me...foot totally buggered, unable to get about without crutches, difficult to know what it's going to be like in two weeks time, but I'm not hopeful at the moment. Will phone to discuss.