Hello Trick.You have got to be joking asking any of this lot to leave their armchairs after 1st sept or before 1 st day of august.All a bunch of solent nancy boys.fairly certain their boats welded to pontoon adjacent to cocktail bar in V posh marinas.
I was out on mine on saturday.Thru the fog etc i was watching a V.nice Azimut 46 doing stuff in Stangate creek(Speed limit 8 Knots)
and he waved at me as well.Only took 3-4 hours to get warm again afterwards.SWMBO Declined bracing trip out.
This Solent nancy boy was down servicing the boat on Friday, and testing it on a trip to Portsmouth on Saturday. Bright sunshine first thing, but you probably mist (!) that.
OK, so we had the hood and sides firmly closed and the heating on, cos' we left the mink rug at home. At least the shampoo was nice and cold.
Any other Solent "sailors" nancying round last weekend? The Essex boys wanted to play.
We were out last Saturday. Admittedly, I was wearing hat, gloves, saily jacket and Mr B's thermal underwear. Had a play around out there then stayed out for a while waiting for sight or sound of MVII but they were cosy cosy in Eastbourne. Be out again this weekend.
You feel at home, there's a boat at the end of the pontoon called Miami Vice - looks like we have the original at Brighton. What time r u thinking of setting off, I'll leave the VHF on 16 and listen out and maybe come out to see you go by - unless of course it's half past stupid, in which case I'll be just turning over (... and leave the smut right there!!!) ;-)
Can only find an experienced hand for Sunday. If we leave Eastbounre at 08:00 ish then we should pass Brighton around 10:00ish - will call you on Ch16 as we pass...
Oh please Pauline - I'm relying on this man to find Chichester on Sunday. If he goes blind by then look out for us heading off to sea. Mind you we will have JFMs super expensive hand held plotter on board so at least we will know where we are lost. If not how to get back.