Which manufacturers actually make bronze fittings?


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18 Feb 2005
East Coast UK
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I have just taken off a gate valve on the inlet to a dreaded SL400 (about to be replaced by a Lavac) that must have been in place for 30 years. It was near perfect except for the usual crud and the handle having snapped off. The outlet is a pukka Blakes seacock. I've been trying to source a bronze, silicon bronze would be perfect, ball valve to replace the gate. But, and the article in this months PBO is timely, how the hell do you know what you're getting?? I picked up a 3/4" ball in Fox's in Ipswich and they had to call Aquafax to check the metal - turned out to be brass - no thanks. Does anyone know which manufacturers actually produce quality bronze fittings? Its a pity PBO didn't name any this month - they just said finding them was a problem. Hattersley ??
(I haven't got room for a Blakes 3/4" seacock on the inlet before anyone suggests that) Thanks all.


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31 May 2001
'ang on a mo, I'll just take some bearings
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What Blakes say

FAQ from its site:
Q Material specification used on the Blakes seacocks
A The body and plug are made of DZR1 (BSEN 1982 CC752C). A dezincification resistant brass for die casting
If zinc is leached from brass by sea water corrosion, the brass will become porous and fail. DZR1 resists the zinc removal and is approved by Lloyds if used in a marine environment.
The seacock bolts are manufactured from Phosphor bronze.

So it sounds as if brass is not necessarily bad, if it is to DZR1 spec.


Well-known member
30 Jun 2002
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Actually the fact that the Blakes Seacock is OK after all this time is testament to the fact that you dont actually need bronze. What you DO need is Dezinc Resistant Brass. Actually the Blakes are made out of BSEN 1982 C75C brass generally known as DZR 1, they are Lloyds approved and an excellent material for the application. The bolts are actually phosphor bronze which is higher tensile.
If you can get genuine bronze fittings, either Phos or Silicon they are OK but dont be afraid of DZR. It's OK too. What isn't OK is Tonval which some people call Tonval Bronze. This stuff is low grade brass and not bronze at all. Look for A DZR stamp on the part or ask if it is Lloyds approved.