New flares (ours are out of date on Friday), also a liferaft hopefully on a some form of a long term rental. Not that I am planning to need either of these in anger, just taking necessary precautions!
RYA Practice Nav. Tables and charts; Imray pilot for E.Aegean (If it's finally been published yet); Update for looseleaf UK Pilot; Somat to keep me neck warm; Book a Charter in the Med; Honda 2.3 outboard lock. That's about all I can carry on the train I reckon.
I've been keeping my eye on their site. I don't mind paying a few quid extra at the show just to get it my hands, but if I can't get it for less than about 210, then it'll be mail order.
Last year Ian my cousin and myself sunk about three or four pints of bitter before going in! I now know the position of every bloody loo that is in there! /forums/images/graemlins/smile.gif