22 Nov 2003 #1 longjohnsilver Well-known member Joined 30 May 2001 Messages 18,840 Visit site So what became of his hydrogen cell powered boat which we were promised would be tested this year? <hr width=100% size=1>
So what became of his hydrogen cell powered boat which we were promised would be tested this year? <hr width=100% size=1>
22 Nov 2003 #2 DepSol New member Joined 6 Oct 2001 Messages 4,524 Location Guernsey Visit site You of all people should know money dont grow on trees. Look out for the electric boat powered by generators running on Bio-diesel. See this months MBM for a snippet of the story. <hr width=100% size=1>Dom <A target="_blank" HREF=http://www.soltron.co.uk>the website</A>
You of all people should know money dont grow on trees. Look out for the electric boat powered by generators running on Bio-diesel. See this months MBM for a snippet of the story. <hr width=100% size=1>Dom <A target="_blank" HREF=http://www.soltron.co.uk>the website</A>
23 Nov 2003 #3 P pistonbroke New member Joined 3 Jun 2002 Messages 329 Location Down South Visit site It's probably been put on hold for a while whilst he recovers from his "near miss" at Portsmouth! <hr width=100% size=1>
It's probably been put on hold for a while whilst he recovers from his "near miss" at Portsmouth! <hr width=100% size=1>
23 Nov 2003 #4 longjohnsilver Well-known member Joined 30 May 2001 Messages 18,840 Visit site Yes I know that and so should he after his escapades on SoC. So why did he announce his plans to the world. And how realistic is this latest project? <hr width=100% size=1>
Yes I know that and so should he after his escapades on SoC. So why did he announce his plans to the world. And how realistic is this latest project? <hr width=100% size=1>
23 Nov 2003 #5 longjohnsilver Well-known member Joined 30 May 2001 Messages 18,840 Visit site Near miss? What's that about? <hr width=100% size=1>
23 Nov 2003 #6 DepSol New member Joined 6 Oct 2001 Messages 4,524 Location Guernsey Visit site Its going ahead. <hr width=100% size=1>Dom <A target="_blank" HREF=http://www.soltron.co.uk>the website</A>
Its going ahead. <hr width=100% size=1>Dom <A target="_blank" HREF=http://www.soltron.co.uk>the website</A>