What should I wear to the boat show ?


Well-known member
16 May 2001
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It\'s hot, wear a purposeful look

We went yesterday

It's very hot so dump coats and jackets in cloakroom. Mrs JFM wore long boots which took ages to take off each time she stepped on a boat, but kind of worked in a funny kind of way on Sunseeker stand etc.

It wasn't too busy and we found no difficulty in getting on the big stuff. No kids with us. There was the usual fuss of "registering" at a desk (Squadron) or being asked for business card/whether you currently have boat/where would you keep it (Sunseeker), but mostly (Princess, Sealine, others) we just walked up to the rope barrier and the "view strictly by appt only" sign and just said "we'd like to look over that wotsit please", and no probs. One small point here is it's best to walk up the stand steps and go straight to the cordoned-off 55foot plus models, not browse at the 35-45 foot stuff en route. So we had a very thorough tour of 56-74 Sunseekers and the three squadrons and T52 (in relation to which Taxcollector is right about the saloon seats, you need a very short arse), and similar.

Gotta admit we quite enjoyed it. Maybe we got lucky but all the salespeople we met were very pleasant. Mrs JFM seemed strangely impressed by two or three models in the 55-60 feet range and a berth in the med. I kind of used Matts patented gambit whereby she was making the decisions and I was the one saying "yeah but maybe we should just keep the one we have.....". I could be onto something here, watch dis space......


Active member
16 May 2001
I no longer live in Hope
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Re: It\'s hot, wear a purposeful look

Don't have any problems getting onto Sunseekers as we have a friend who works there. Had an especially good time at Southampton BS. We had valet parking for our car at the big hotel near the show (can't remember the name), then we transferred to the Sunseeker chauffeur driven merc, were driven straight through the side entrance up to the new 105 and were given a personal guided tour - it was excellent service. Decided not to buy the 105 though - didn't like the colour.



Re: oho!

Most interesting, and good advice re the marching up striaght to monster yacht gambit.

Early days yet re Mrs jfm, praps consider

1. "Gosh I had no idea we have so much money in the bank"
(triggers partially-arsed financial plan possibly invloving her promise of monster car mpg savings, actually in yr case making nice pred/manh quite realistic)
2. "No, we can't invite those xyz nice people cos the boat is only so big"
(triggers slow thought)
3. "Ouch I bashed my head on the rooflining again"
(not great this, can simply trigger "well watch yer blimmin self then"
4. "I don't suppose we're the right sort of people for those bigger boats, are we?"
(triggers "oh yes we blimmin well are")
5. "I was worried about the financial impications when we bought the last boat"
(triggers "yes but it was okay wasn't it?")

I can organise "I/we felt the same way but now it all seems fine ..." conversations if required.