

New member
26 Dec 2003
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well done Tony, have some nice memories of boating on the Thames.

Unfortunately the demo about the cat fur, well, imitation cat/in real cat fur, at the boat chanders magazine outfit was somthing else. And the amount of water let down without warning in the Winter is also somthing I try to forget !

But otherwise it was great, the look on the face of the first lock keeper we came to after being dropped in at Penton Hook (gather it wasn't common) think there will be lots of issues to share, and sort.


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23 Jul 2003
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Does anybody remember the "company" (husband and wife I think ) who a few years back, were driven out of the Thames by costs ( or may have been the other lot who are born to the river) with their commercial narrowboat enterprise? or was it just not commercially viable? if that is the case how about a european union enterprise grant for them if they are still around? What are you guys doing about a parade past the palace of Westminister to remind the members of the red diesel issue /forums/images/graemlins/blush.gif))


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7 May 2006
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For 10 years Loved berthing on the Thames. Floating cottage in the country, weekends in St Kats, easy leasurly trip to Calais without going out of sight of land, fond memories
Unfortunatly cannot afford it anymore.


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23 Jan 2005
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I`m just the opposite, I’ve done the Solent, Poole, S Wales and Severn, and Early next year I shall be arriving on the Thames to moor. That gives me the winter to get my bow thruster sorted and my window boxes fitted.

Can`t wait.



24 Nov 2006
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Good idea! The EA needs kicking from time to time - but is there any guarantee that they'll participate??
Dredging of the non tidal stretches, tree clearance and licence fees are just a few of topics on which they need to be taken to task


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21 Mar 2006
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Quick question for youo Rob (though I think I know the answer)...

How many RNLI AWBs would pass a BSS test?


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21 Mar 2006
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Hmmm, nearly a month gone by and no answer. Wouldn't it be embarrassing if the answer was that NO AWLBs would pass, for a whole raft of reasons..?


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29 Dec 2006
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To the YBW team,

I'll add my two pennyworth (plus vat)!

Fuel is going up, and I'm mad about that but I've only got one vote to cast against idiots who took us into Europe and equal fools who keep us there. I've also got a big mouth (not as big as my wife's it's true - ouch) but a small voice.

Licences are going up, which is iniquitious considering how much of the year's climate allows us to boat anyway. The lock keepers are great guys, absolutely no problems there and even the patrol boat guys act like humans and not constabulary. That side of the system works fine. It's facilities that are lacking - cheap moorings, cleaning banks and edges so you CAN moor on cruises up river, providing affordable and safe stopping places down the tideway etc.

It's fast becoming a leisure facility only for the wealthy.

With the combination of rising licence fees, increased cost of fuel - don't you think many of the "marginal" users (voters) are going to have to drop out? I do. I started out many years ago on the big adventure with a 7ft pram, I sank it but we won't go there. Over the years I build two scratch builds, stripped two old grp's down to nothing and rebuilt them, plus one steel dutch, and rebuilt that. I've had numerous cruising boats, wives permitting, over the years.

If I could have enjoyed the river on a Princess 37 I would have done, but alas, like thousands of others it was out of reach. OK, now I'm not in that situation, I have a reasonable boat and we're looking to buy another this year, but I want to speak for those just like me years ago - the so-called "little man" withg a much-loved old "tub", hordes of kids hanging on, flaking paint everywhere, baling out at every lock. He's got the same passion the rich guys have and he is getting forced off!

What's next - fill in the Thames and build flats for immigrants on the bed on HSE grounds? (Someone might fall in and drown/water is a Health Hazard/we've got to keep emissions down/boats sink pollute the water etc?)

The poster who referred to the National Disease of apathy is right. Governments and Quangos get away with things we disapprove of because we let them.

OK - YBW - do you think an e-mail protest would work where letter writing didn't. If so, can you organise one? What can you do to spur us all out of our helmsman's seats/armchairs to join in and and yell at those at the top?

Time for my afternoon nap now!