Weekend Weather and Streaming Video from W Sussex


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6 Jul 2004
West Suusex
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Ok upgraded from cable back to ADSL last weekend and the upload speed is almost double, which means the cam is refreshing every second - though once number of users at anyone time exceeds 25 it slows down and seems to affect the PC clock timer!!

As ever the zoom and direction will be changed depending on what's happening - but for those stuck in the office today you can see a beautiful day in sunny Windy Worthing at http://www.seaspritesports.com/weathercamframe.htm

As for the weather for today and the weekend, at Worthing we always tend
to get stronger "sea breezes" or "thermal top ups" depending on what your
definition of a sea breeze is - however - having just cycled along the prom
from West Worthing to Lancing - a tough commute: Wind is actually quite
strong for this time of the morning, coming from the NNW / NW at around
12mph - so that might be too much for it to swing round to the SW and fill

And again for the weekend currently it's quite a difficult call to see what
will happen - I've been spot on the last two weekends ( I do the sailing
forecast on the local radio station) when no real wind has been forecast I
was calling F4 - 5's and on Sun we had a gust of 33mph - so local effects are
most important.

So apart from the WeatherCam on the above link, there's also actual weather updating every minute!

<hr width=100% size=1>Live Weather Updates Every Minute from Worthing - West Sussex and streaming WeatherCam