GENERAL Depression NW of the Hebrides, at the start of Friday, is forecast to continue drifting N as a relatively slack pressure field develops across central and S parts of the British Isles. Meanwhile across the N, Atlantic fronts and showery troughs are expected to run from W to E. Local heat lows are likely overland, otherwise a build in pressure through the weekend should see a ridge across S Britain later.
Northern Ireland and Scotland
Wind - Fresh or strong S winds turn W to SW.
Weather - Rain or showers, but gradually fair periods are expected to develop.
Visibility - Moderate or good.
England and Wales
Wind - Light or moderate and variable winds become mainly N or NW, although local on-shore sea-breezes are likely during the day.
Weather - Scattered but slow moving showers are likely, with some thundery in places. Locally misty.
Visibility - Moderate or good, poor in mist.
Northern Ireland and Scotland
Wind - Fresh or strong W to SW winds become NW for a time in the E, then gradually ease moderate or fresh.
Weather - Showers likely, but also fair periods.
Visibility - Good
England and Wales
Wind - Variable winds, still light or moderate, become NE in the W and SW, perhaps NW later onto NW England coasts. Elsewhere local on-shore sea-breezes are expected.
Weather - Scattered showers again likely in places and once again they will tend to be slow moving and locally thundery. Misty in places.
Visibility - Moderate or good, poor in mist.
Northern Ireland and Scotland
Wind - W or SW winds continue to dominate, mainly moderate or fresh, although a strong breeze may develop later off NW Scotland.
Weather - Scattered showers likely, although a more organised band of rain may move from the west later.
Visibility - Good, perhaps become locally moderate in the W later.
England and Wales
Wind - Light or moderate, mostly NE in the W and SW, whilst mainly variable elsewhere.
Weather - A few scattered showers are likely, otherwise a good deal of dry weather is expected over the area. It'll also be misty in places, especially where there are lighter winds.
Visibility - Moderate or good, poor in mist.
For a more detailed forecast in your particular area Nautical and Marinecall have introduced a new specialised weather service. For 2004, the service provides navigators with the most accurate and up-to-date weather forecasts. See the Marinecall details. They have recently introduced a new Weather SMS service
Thanks all. Looks as if we may get Westerlies 2/4 for most of Saturday and into Sunday.On past exprience though you seem to get a bit of everything on 30hr trip.Any other Posters going that way this weekend. Hopefully we will get to Aeolus in Amsterdam sometime Monday and then onto the Markemeer and Volendam on Tuesday night.
Be aware that the Sixhaven in the middle of Amsterdam is only half its normal size - building of underground connection required space. If you want to stay there check before and maybe reserve a berth.
There is a new Marina a bit before that on a Northerly inlet (where the Dutch Chart still mentions DEHLER). Power and good shore facilites.