After long and valiant service my solar regulator's mortal coil has shuffled off. I decided to go for a new and more sophisticated controller - a Sunsaver Charge Controls-10Amp - and was quoted £70 plus delivery. I had a look around the web and purchased the identical model for £30 plus delivery from a retail outlet in the USA. Even when you add the VAT and freight on this is far better value than we are being offered here in the UK. It was so good I ordered two and they are effectively half price and I can add to my PV array in the future.
Can anyone enlighten me as to why we are always asked to pay far more than anywhere else in the world?
Just because you're paranoid doesn't mean they aren't out to get you.
After long and valiant service my solar regulator's mortal coil has shuffled off. I decided to go for a new and more sophisticated controller - a Sunsaver Charge Controls-10Amp - and was quoted £70 plus delivery. I had a look around the web and purchased the identical model for £30 plus delivery from a retail outlet in the USA. Even when you add the VAT and freight on this is far better value than we are being offered here in the UK. It was so good I ordered two and they are effectively half price and I can add to my PV array in the future.
Can anyone enlighten me as to why we are always asked to pay far more than anywhere else in the world?
Just because you're paranoid doesn't mean they aren't out to get you.