Warm evening in the Marina.


New member
24 May 2003
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"Can you move your car". (All with Scotish accents.) "There/s a truck wanting ont/a the stand". ( Harbour Masters night off). Me, and a some other subsurvient boaties ( they being the BMW vairiant, and me the Blue and rust Ford type) clear the way for not 1 but 2 " big truckies".

Of course we all moved, the Harbour Master or Marina Superantendents word is law.

Containers of fish dissappeared into the trucks and were disspatched to the "needy" South of the boarder!!

"Is that Black Fish" from a newcomer.( Told him to shut up.)

"NO" says the Marina Man in charge for the Sunday "We only eat white fish in this part if Scotland!

Questioned later he (the above) says. " How do you think we keep your Marina Fees DOOWN"!!

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