Violent Storm 11


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13 Dec 2002
Warwick. Boat in Swansea
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Swansea Marina/Mumbles 1am to 4 am saturday morning. according to coastguard broadcast, at mumbles head 1.5 miles away Violent storm 11 with seas "high".
Certainly very interesting on board Pegasus in the marina.
Lost a buoy fender from the bow, and other fenders taking so much hammering
all beginning to slip.
Decided to replace buoy fender with one of my anchor trip buoys from down below.
So at 2.30 in the morning am out on the pontoon, tying on a replacement fender with one hand. Had I let go of the guardrail with the other, I would certainly have been blown off the pontoon and into the water.
After tightening the springs...holding on for dear life, I found that the cockpit canopy stays were loosened with the constant battering, so had to retighten them or lose the canopy.
Sleep was impossible after that, we were being tossed about with white topping 3 ft waves and huge wind gusts even in the marina, usually the most sheltered of places.
Sat up then listening to both VHF and MF radio, Large freighter dragging her anchor dangerously in the Bristol Channel, HF very lively with loads of spanish fishing vessel type traffic and many gale warnings from all over.
Boat behind me lost 2 of his large side panels from his aft canopy only a couple of months old, and loads of marine debris floating about in the marina next morning.

We had debated whether to actually go down to the boat 'cos of the weather, good thing that we did because we most certainly would have lost the cockpit canopy at least.

Anyone else experience anything like this saturday morning...
Certainly the strongest wind Ive been in.
Force 8-10 forecast for Irish Sea and Lundy tomorrow.



New member
21 Jan 2003
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Hi Steve
Much the same in London at the weekend, part of Excel was closed due to storm damage. I will be down to check on my boat tomorrow, just hope all is well after reading your report!



14 Jun 2004
Swansea Marina
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I can't remember where I saw it but there is a photo somewhere (Yacht Club perhaps?) of phase 2 in a storm which looks absolutely horrendous - high waves, white water the lot. I assume last weekend was very similar. Fortunately, phase 1 seems to have avoided too many problems. Went down yesterday and tightened the springs but everything else seems fine.

Glad you and Pegasus are ok.