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Last daughter is heading for Uni this month. Circumstances dictate that she won’t get any help with fees apart from normal tuition fees, we pay the rest.
We, wife and I, have decided that we don’t want our daughter leaving Uni with huge dept hanging over her so we are going to finance her.
For the past 2 months almost every week she receives a “Support Request Form” with a covering letter saying that her request to take up a loan has not been received or that the form was filled in in-correctly. She became so concerned that she handed the problem over to me.
What Happened.
On the form there is a number for you to contact if you have any questions. This I did (or should I say tried too). I must have dialled the number a 100 times before I eventually got through to a recorded message saying all lines were busy and I was “in the queue”. When I finally got to speak to a human (some 11 mins 38 secs later) the conversation went something like this,
Hello I’m the father of Miss X and I have a question that needs answering.
Sorry sir we can’t talk to you, only your daughter.
Hold on a minute, she’s asked me to speak to you about these “support request forms” you keep sending.
OK but we can’t divulge any info about your daughter’s loan.
She hasn’t got a loan, in fact she doesn’t want one, I’m going to support her. Why do you keep sending these forms, have we missed something, do we need to fill it in for some other reason.
Oh sir these forms are generated automatically if a student doesn’t ask for a loan, the only way to stop them is for your daughter to apply for a “zero” loan.
Your joking me, you mean to say that the only way you will stop sending these forms is if my daughter applies for a zero loan.
Yes sir that should stop it.
Do you realise that my daughter is really wound up about these forms; she thought that she “had” to apply because of the content of your accompanying letter.
Sorry it’s a standard letter sent to every student.
OK, I’ll get her to apply for a zero loan. BYEEEEE.
If it is this government’s policy to send/bombard such letters/forms out encouraging all students to take out a loan, I for one am totally appalled that we should treat our youngsters this way. Why are they so intent on generating a young population that is starting their working lives with such a huge dept hanging over them?
I give up!
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Last daughter is heading for Uni this month. Circumstances dictate that she won’t get any help with fees apart from normal tuition fees, we pay the rest.
We, wife and I, have decided that we don’t want our daughter leaving Uni with huge dept hanging over her so we are going to finance her.
For the past 2 months almost every week she receives a “Support Request Form” with a covering letter saying that her request to take up a loan has not been received or that the form was filled in in-correctly. She became so concerned that she handed the problem over to me.
What Happened.
On the form there is a number for you to contact if you have any questions. This I did (or should I say tried too). I must have dialled the number a 100 times before I eventually got through to a recorded message saying all lines were busy and I was “in the queue”. When I finally got to speak to a human (some 11 mins 38 secs later) the conversation went something like this,
Hello I’m the father of Miss X and I have a question that needs answering.
Sorry sir we can’t talk to you, only your daughter.
Hold on a minute, she’s asked me to speak to you about these “support request forms” you keep sending.
OK but we can’t divulge any info about your daughter’s loan.
She hasn’t got a loan, in fact she doesn’t want one, I’m going to support her. Why do you keep sending these forms, have we missed something, do we need to fill it in for some other reason.
Oh sir these forms are generated automatically if a student doesn’t ask for a loan, the only way to stop them is for your daughter to apply for a “zero” loan.
Your joking me, you mean to say that the only way you will stop sending these forms is if my daughter applies for a zero loan.
Yes sir that should stop it.
Do you realise that my daughter is really wound up about these forms; she thought that she “had” to apply because of the content of your accompanying letter.
Sorry it’s a standard letter sent to every student.
OK, I’ll get her to apply for a zero loan. BYEEEEE.
If it is this government’s policy to send/bombard such letters/forms out encouraging all students to take out a loan, I for one am totally appalled that we should treat our youngsters this way. Why are they so intent on generating a young population that is starting their working lives with such a huge dept hanging over them?
I give up!
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